Penis Enlargement-Get the Real Facts
There is a great concern about penis size for many men, and some men are concerned if its possible to enlarge it (either naturally or with surgery).
It is possible, but is it necessary? Does size matter? Read on and get the real facts.
The Penis A penis can be measured both by its length and girth.
It can be measured in its flaccid state, its stretched flaccid state, and erect state.
The penis of a newborn, stretched averages about 4 cm.
At puberty it grows to an average of 6 cm, and the full penis size is achieved about 5 years after puberty sets in.
There are many surveys and studies done about the size of a man's penis.
Two reputable studies (one published in the Journal of Urology in 1996) shows the average erect penis being 12.
9 cm.
The second study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research (December 2000) found the average erect length was 13.
6 cm.
The Penis and Male Impression Another study conducted at UCLA in 2005 concluded a great percentage of the study participants (84%) would prefer if their penises were larger.
Still another study done with gay men discovered the perception of a large penis being preferred,and even connected with their self-esteem.
There have been many studies conducted on a man's penis size and his race.
There exists an overall perception that men of African origin have the largest and Asian men the smallest.
Actually, a very recent study done by the Family Health International (citing also the WHO) found that that there are real variations in penis size (length and width) from all races, but men of African origin on the average have larger penis; in both factors, with White men having a generally average size, and Asian men with the narrowest and shortest size.
Penis Enlargement - What do Women Think? In a study done at UCLA in 2005, 85% of all women queried, reported they were "very satisfied" with the size of their sexual partner (regardless of the size).
Other studies revealed width rather than length as more important.
The Classical Penis From the statues of Greece and Rome, we know very well that the preference for penis size was on the smaller size of medium.
Michelangelo's David is an excellent example.
In fact, men with larger penis' were considered bestial, closer to inhuman, and away from the perfect form.
The Penis and the Vagina The vagina is very elastic and flexible in its construction.
During intercourse it enlarges to about 10cm only.
With the most sensitive parts of the vagina being only at that distance, the penis' of most men are able to stimulate a woman inside her vagina.
However, and it must be remembered, a very important study revealed long ago (and supported by Kinsey) that only about 7% of all women can achieve orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone.
Clitoral stimulation is required.
Enlarging The Penis There are three basic ways to enlarge the penis.
The first is by surgery, the second by constant and dedicated masturbation (which has been termed jelking), and the third by some stretching devices.
Surgery has less than a 50% success rate on the average, with many men ending up with deformed penis' and often in impotence.
Jelking might, after a certain period of time increase the flaccid state, and being is a sort of pre-erection, but scientific research has shown jelking as ineffective.
The third method of stretching devices is dangerous, and often results in impotence.
Unless your penis is under 10cm, you should consider very carefully any options for penis enlargement.
The press and modern day culture may indicated that size matters, but if you are a man, and your penis is over 10 cm when erect, it certainly does not.