The Eight Of Swords In Tarot

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The focus is on withdrawal, imprisonment, "endarkenment," restriction or oppression, handicaps, accidents, health problems, danger, hardship, deadlock, or limbo.. You want to get out of an oppressive situation or change your present line of work.. You will escape from oppressive situations and have unexpected gains in business or finance.. You will be feeling restricted or boxed in, but you are actually in a protective (spiritual) box so you won't be diverted from your higher purposes.. You will be caught off guard by many unexpected problems and sudden handicaps. But on the positive side, if you want to sell your home or property, you will.. You will feel limited, restricted, or immobilized by others and, as a result, will experience many hardships.. You will entertain a lover or admirer -- or both.. Transportation activities will include an unexpected financial break, or a beneficial trip is in the offing.. Circumstances will warrant the abandonment of a project involving papers for the time being, because you won't feel like pursuing it or halting conditions will make it impossible to continue.. You may take some sick leave or "blow out" of an unpleasant job or work situation, or you could change your mind about taking a job you really didn't want but felt you had to take because of financial considerations..

You will be afforded the opportunity to regenerate in a different environment (or with a different partner) and, because of this, will experience a positive change of mind or status, no longer feeling restricted, bound, or imprisoned.. You will feel trapped in a negative cycle of events and will fear that the future holds more of the same.. There will be many surprising developments in your social affairs, and romance will inspire several exciting (if elusive) moments.. A situation will arise that creates conflict or uncertainty about an issue you thought you had handled or hoped was resolved; but don't worry, it will work out.. Some of your relatives will be oppressive, but you will enjoy the company or conversation of other family members.. Watch your health, be very careful of accidents around the home or in your car, and be especially cautious of electrical gadgets, sharp objects, and other drivers.. You'll be feeling stuck or strapped and will want to make more money, because even though you've got it to spend, the supply is decreasing. Don't worry; you're going to get it, even if you've had problems getting it in the past.. In time, you will overcome oppression (or prisons of the heart or mind), and a new area of relaxation or emotional fulfillment will come to the fore..

You will want to escape from an oppressive or abusive personality and probably will. Choose your friends wisely, and use more discrimination.. You will be "given" the power to overcome unfortunate circumstances; don't worry.. A letter (or news) you've been waiting for is going to arrive.. You will worry that you're in a negative or "bad luck" cycle that may never end, and you will be hesitant to embark on anything new for fear that it, too, will be tainted.. Handicaps, deficiencies, or misfortune caused by others (as being forced to accept conditions that are not of your choosing) are going to cause a great deal of mental, physical, or emotional distress.. Trouble in personal relationships will end, followed by a change of heart. Someone will find that, when given the freedom they thought they wanted, they won't want it after all.. New freedom will be found through resolving restrictive conditions or getting out of an oppressive commitment.. Don't blame yourself for the faults of others. Walk away or say "no.". You will get a business referral or lucky break in a legal matter, or financial gain will come through an investment or profit share.. You will be upset over a call or caller and will wish they had never called.. You will be grateful for a release from pressures and/or a new partnership or business contract.. The problem is not with you but with others. They are the ones who causing misfortune, not coming through, or not living up to their end. But even though the problems are great, they can still be overcome.. A new venture, purchase order, or business opportunity will come right to your door.. You will escape from oppressive situations or prisons of the mind or body and will acquire whatever "means" or resources you need, and you will find a new outlet for your talents or abilities..

By Absolutely Psychicpsychic
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