Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for February 4, 2008
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So, who is Rex’s daddy? We know it’s not Charlie and Roxy obviously has a good reason for not telling Rex the truth about his paternity and lying about Charlie being his father. Roxy was certainly desperate to have Charlie go along with her lie. It’s interesting to see Roxy in the moments when she’s not joking around and battering the English language. She’s really quite a deep character with feelings, hurts and insecurities that go very deep.
She was willing to give up her shop to Charlie if he’d go along with her lie and for Roxy, that’s saying a lot. Charlie keeps being dragged into the lunacy that surrounds everyone in Llanview and if living among these crazies (especially Dorian) isn’t enough to drive him back to the bottle, I don’t know what is. Dorian is playing Charlie like a fiddle and she has him convinced that she’s his good friend. That won’t last for long now that he and Viki have run into each other again. I figured that when Charlie and Viki almost ran into each other in Natalie’s office, it would be a serious of many near missed before they were reunited. I’m glad I was wrong. That was some speechless moment when Charlie opened Dorian’s door and found Viki standing there.
Good for you, John. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that Marcie shouldn’t pay for what she did, but I can’t say that I’m sorry that John went to Todd with that ultimatum. Look at how many things Todd has done and gotten away with. I don’t blame Todd for thinking Marcie should pay, but I also think that everyone who told him he should thank Marcie and Michael for taking such good care of Sam was right.
It’s time to put this whole mess behind them. Todd has his son back and Marcie will have to live every day knowing that she has lost the thing she cherishes most in life. She’s going to have to find a whole new way to live her life with Michael and will have to face the fact that she will probably never have a child. John is trying to get Todd to do the one decent thing to end this fiasco and it didn’t bother me at all that he threatened to reveal that Todd and Ramsey kidnapped Gigi’s son to flush our Marcie. I also liked the fact that John was able to open up when he was talking Gigi and Shane when they asked about Marty. It’s obvious that John had deep feelings for Marty when he knew down to the day how long she has been gone. It was also nice to see that he’s staying in touch with Cole and that he was going to a basketball game with him.
We can’t sign off without a visit to St. Ann’s, can we? Oh my goodness, Viki’s face was priceless when she walked into Jessica’s room and saw Alison Perkins. Gee, talk about your worst nightmare coming back to haunt you. Viki didn’t have a minute to adjust to seeing Alison before Alison threw herself at Viki and hung on for dear life saying how excited she was to see her. But of course you know that my favorite part of that scene was Alison staring at Viki’s chest and saying, “Ben, hi Ben. Viki’s taking care of Ben’s heart. Ben, Dave. I miss you.” I just about died laughing. I think the scariest thing is watching and listening to Alison Perkins and realizing that she’s an even bigger lunatic than Margaret Cochran. Ewww, creepy!
I don’t have much to say about Jessica because she deserved to be tossed into St. Ann’s and have them throw away the key for a while. Honestly, Nash should have turned around and refused to look back when he finally got her release papers and she ripped them up refusing to leave. Obviously, she’s going to get into a whole new mess trying to figure out what Alison’s secret is (obviously it has to do with Mitch) and Nash should have figured it out when he asked her to promise that she would stay away from Alison and she didn’t actually promise. I won’t feel sorry for Jessica if she gets into a mess she can’t get out of and she and Natalie are headed for a new caper that is bound to be trouble.
Was anyone surprised that Nora and Clint didn’t get to toss Jared out of Asa’s mansion on his butt? I really like the fact that we still get to see Patricia Elliot, but did they have to keep her around to make Renee so obnoxious in her defense of Jared? She was only too happy to turn her back on Jessica and he family for Jared. Gee, I couldn’t believe she threatened to move out, too, if Nora kicked Jared out. I understand that Renee is in mourning, but did her common sense die with Asa? I nearly gagged when she said that the one person who has helped her in her mourning was Jared with his kindness and sense of humor. Renee, get a clue!
Jared is skating on thin ice, especially now that Dorian has revealed that she knows his secret. She didn’t waste any time going over to Asa’s to convince Jared to give Charlie a second chance and to threaten to expose him if he refused. Jared better think twice before he messes with Dorian.
It sure didn’t take Adriana more than a second to wonder if Shane was Rex’s son when she showed up at John’s door and Gigi and Shane answered. It wouldn’t take anyone much time to figure that one out.
I’m trying to dig up some interest for Talia and Antonio, but thus far it’s not happening for me. Maybe if we get Talia back in Llanview and have her involved in some big cases with everyone else I’ll be more interested.
I did hear that we might be seeing more of the crew from the Bonjour Café so I hope that’s true and that we get to keep Noelle and Moe, as well as Gigi.
See ya next week.
FAN FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONS continue on next page > >
So, who is Rex’s daddy? We know it’s not Charlie and Roxy obviously has a good reason for not telling Rex the truth about his paternity and lying about Charlie being his father. Roxy was certainly desperate to have Charlie go along with her lie. It’s interesting to see Roxy in the moments when she’s not joking around and battering the English language. She’s really quite a deep character with feelings, hurts and insecurities that go very deep.
She was willing to give up her shop to Charlie if he’d go along with her lie and for Roxy, that’s saying a lot. Charlie keeps being dragged into the lunacy that surrounds everyone in Llanview and if living among these crazies (especially Dorian) isn’t enough to drive him back to the bottle, I don’t know what is. Dorian is playing Charlie like a fiddle and she has him convinced that she’s his good friend. That won’t last for long now that he and Viki have run into each other again. I figured that when Charlie and Viki almost ran into each other in Natalie’s office, it would be a serious of many near missed before they were reunited. I’m glad I was wrong. That was some speechless moment when Charlie opened Dorian’s door and found Viki standing there.
Good for you, John. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that Marcie shouldn’t pay for what she did, but I can’t say that I’m sorry that John went to Todd with that ultimatum. Look at how many things Todd has done and gotten away with. I don’t blame Todd for thinking Marcie should pay, but I also think that everyone who told him he should thank Marcie and Michael for taking such good care of Sam was right.
It’s time to put this whole mess behind them. Todd has his son back and Marcie will have to live every day knowing that she has lost the thing she cherishes most in life. She’s going to have to find a whole new way to live her life with Michael and will have to face the fact that she will probably never have a child. John is trying to get Todd to do the one decent thing to end this fiasco and it didn’t bother me at all that he threatened to reveal that Todd and Ramsey kidnapped Gigi’s son to flush our Marcie. I also liked the fact that John was able to open up when he was talking Gigi and Shane when they asked about Marty. It’s obvious that John had deep feelings for Marty when he knew down to the day how long she has been gone. It was also nice to see that he’s staying in touch with Cole and that he was going to a basketball game with him.
We can’t sign off without a visit to St. Ann’s, can we? Oh my goodness, Viki’s face was priceless when she walked into Jessica’s room and saw Alison Perkins. Gee, talk about your worst nightmare coming back to haunt you. Viki didn’t have a minute to adjust to seeing Alison before Alison threw herself at Viki and hung on for dear life saying how excited she was to see her. But of course you know that my favorite part of that scene was Alison staring at Viki’s chest and saying, “Ben, hi Ben. Viki’s taking care of Ben’s heart. Ben, Dave. I miss you.” I just about died laughing. I think the scariest thing is watching and listening to Alison Perkins and realizing that she’s an even bigger lunatic than Margaret Cochran. Ewww, creepy!
I don’t have much to say about Jessica because she deserved to be tossed into St. Ann’s and have them throw away the key for a while. Honestly, Nash should have turned around and refused to look back when he finally got her release papers and she ripped them up refusing to leave. Obviously, she’s going to get into a whole new mess trying to figure out what Alison’s secret is (obviously it has to do with Mitch) and Nash should have figured it out when he asked her to promise that she would stay away from Alison and she didn’t actually promise. I won’t feel sorry for Jessica if she gets into a mess she can’t get out of and she and Natalie are headed for a new caper that is bound to be trouble.
Was anyone surprised that Nora and Clint didn’t get to toss Jared out of Asa’s mansion on his butt? I really like the fact that we still get to see Patricia Elliot, but did they have to keep her around to make Renee so obnoxious in her defense of Jared? She was only too happy to turn her back on Jessica and he family for Jared. Gee, I couldn’t believe she threatened to move out, too, if Nora kicked Jared out. I understand that Renee is in mourning, but did her common sense die with Asa? I nearly gagged when she said that the one person who has helped her in her mourning was Jared with his kindness and sense of humor. Renee, get a clue!
Jared is skating on thin ice, especially now that Dorian has revealed that she knows his secret. She didn’t waste any time going over to Asa’s to convince Jared to give Charlie a second chance and to threaten to expose him if he refused. Jared better think twice before he messes with Dorian.
It sure didn’t take Adriana more than a second to wonder if Shane was Rex’s son when she showed up at John’s door and Gigi and Shane answered. It wouldn’t take anyone much time to figure that one out.
I’m trying to dig up some interest for Talia and Antonio, but thus far it’s not happening for me. Maybe if we get Talia back in Llanview and have her involved in some big cases with everyone else I’ll be more interested.
I did hear that we might be seeing more of the crew from the Bonjour Café so I hope that’s true and that we get to keep Noelle and Moe, as well as Gigi.
See ya next week.
FAN FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONS continue on next page > >