3 Overlooked Reasons Why You Should Consider Controlling ADHD Without Medication
For a variety of reasons, you might wish to consider the alternative treatments that are available.
First of all, were you made aware that there can be side effects that may be quite severe or potentially harmful from taking prescription ADHD meds? There are also the unknown long-term effects to consider.
Those harmful considerations aside, what about the cost of on-going prescription drugs? Most drug treatments can put a serious gouge in your wallet.
These are just a few of many reasons why if you haven't yet, you might want to research further using natural or alternative therapies for controlling ADHD without medication.
While prescription ADHD meds might seem to be a straight-forward answer to suppressing the symptoms associated with it, the long list of commonly known side effects is reason enough to give a different therapy a look.
The list consists of things like anxiety, headaches, vomiting, nausea and nervousness, and those are just to start.
A natural treatment option like a homeopathic remedy can still help you to achieve your goal of suppressing ADHD symptoms, but with no side effects whatsoever.
Were you aware that the prescription medication industry rakes in billions of dollars on an annual basis? These big league pharmaceutical corporations are hauling the money in hand over fist, while unassuming consumers continue to squeeze these dollars from their already tight budgets.
Using prescription drugs on a long-term basis can put a serious, if not catastrophic dent in the family's bank account.
Natural remedies, like homeopathic treatments, cost significantly less, as well as being just as effective, if not more so.
Over the past few years, the topic of the possibility of long terms effects of taking prescription ADHD meds has been a hotbed of controversy.
For starters, using ADHD meds to treat your child now, can increase the likelihood of the development of depression in their later years of adulthood.
There is also the possibility of developing a substance abuse problem or becoming addicted to prescription meds in their adult years.
Choosing natural remedies, on the reverse side of the coin, are completely safe and there is no chance of developing an addiction to them.
So there you have three very good reasons for looking at alternative treatments for your child suffering from ADHD.
If you've ever considered controlling ADHD without medication in the past, these reasons should give you cause to revisit the issue.