Weight Loss Supplements - What You Need to Know About Them
Even though nutritional or vitamin supplements are usually safe for consumption and are widely used by men, women and children alike, when it comes to weight loss supplements, you will need to know the ingredients and their power.
Most weight loss supplements are composed of some of the following substances that are discussed in detail for the benefit of the reader.
The most popular of such supplements have also been mentioned here.
Most weight loss supplements are composed of some of the following substances that are discussed in detail for the benefit of the reader.
The most popular of such supplements have also been mentioned here.
- Hoodia is a well-known herbal supplement, which is extracted from the Hoodia plant that grows wild in South Africa.
The plant has been used by the native African for a long time as a natural appetite suppressant, and recently it has also been used by many modern pharmaceutical companies for similar purposes.
There have however not been any clinical trials to find out its effects on humans. - Guarna,which is a plant native to certain areas of the Amazon rain forest, has black seeds that are rich in caffeine.
This works as a stimulant and is believed to raise energy expenditure, which in turn suppresses the need for food and drink. - Fucoxanthin is an antioxidant that is found naturally in the edible brown seaweed called Wakeme, - it is used in miso soup.
Since this is believed to have profound effects on the abdominal fat, it has been used on humans.
However, it has also been linked with cardiac disease and diabetes, and hence has restricted application. - Chromium as a mineral is normally needed for carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
But this has also been promoted as a supplement to help people lose weight and build muscles. - Apple Cider Vinegar that has been traditionally known as a 'fat-burner' as also a natural appetite suppressant is widely used as a weight loss supplement.
It has very little or no side effects. - Conjugated linoleic acid or CLA is found in a natural state in small amounts in milk.
This is widely used as a weight loss supplement since it is believed to reduce body fat and increase muscles too. - Bitter Orange contains compounds that are similar to Ephedra, and this has been widely used as a supplement till the time Ephedra was banned in 2004.
It interacts with several medications thereby increasing or decreasing their effect on patients.