Lose Weight Tips- Get Rid of Fat for Fast Weight Loss
Today 70% of the United States population is overweight, just about everyone is looking for methods to lose weight. No matter if it's exercise or diet everyone is trying to reach their weight loss goal. For this reason the number of diet methods, weight loss tips, products and programs to help us lose weight are never exhausted, and we are always trying a new one. Why trying? Because we all know most of the programs and new tips are crap.
Articles, websites, books and methods all trying to teach us how to get rid of fat and lose weight, so many in fact that we start ignoring them. Before we realize it another week, month or year goes by and we still don't reach our weight loss goal. I'm guilty of saying this. How about you? If one more crappy diet that doesn't work is put out there for us; I'm throwing every one of the BS plans and methods I've gathered over the years in the fireplace and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows', at least I'll get some fun out of them. Are you tired of the poor weight loss methods and crappy plans for a diet to lose weight so you can sing Happy Trails to You? Do I have a stamp on my forehead that say's stupid?
Stated plainly without BS€¦; to lose weight and reach your weight loss goal you must pay attention to your diet. Count your calorie intake and use the correct methods to increase your exercise routine and make your metabolic rate increase. I'll do my best to make this all clear to you here in this article.
To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories and increase the amount of physical activities or exercise you do. No diet or new fad methods will work better for you than just counting calories. I know that protein, carbohydrates and fat you absorb all come from the different types of food and supplement's you eat. Exercise is a very big part of the formula to lose weight, and you need to pay attention to all of those other factors, but if you don't count the calories you eat, you're really just wasting your time trying to reach your weight loss goal. You must create a deficit of calories between what you basal metabolic function and physical activities use, and the amount of calories you eat.
To put it into more complicated terms. It is necessary to create a deficit in calorie intake between what your basal metabolic rate needs for the ordinary function of your body and you use in your normal daily routine. The less active you are, the greater the need is for you to eat less or fewer calories. The opposite is true also, the more active and physical you are the more calories you can eat and maintain your weight. The fact is your body's metabolism or metabolic rate is very consistent, because it uses the calories it needs to pump your heart and move your blood, build or repair cells and maintain your muscle mass and tissue at about or near the same rate on a regular basis. It takes less energy to maintain fat than it does for muscle. So the more muscular and active you are the more you can afford to eat and still maintain your weight loss goal. When you eat the same amount of calories your bodies basal metabolic rate uses, along with the calories needed for your physical activity, you maintain your weight at the level it's at. If you create a deficit in calories by diet or increased exercise and use more calories than you eat, you'll lose weight. Use fewer calories than you take in and your diet will fail, you won't reach your weight loss goal. When all is said, it's not what you eat but how much you eat!
We must figure out the calories our body uses now to maintain the weight we are at, so we can use the methods necessary and plan a diet to create a deficit and lose weight. You need a calorie calculator. Find one in a magazine or book, or you can search Google for one. You'll be able to enter the necessary information to get an idea of the calories you should be eating for your recommended size and age. Use this information only as an estimate in order to lose weight. Adjust your calorie intake as it is necessary for you to achieve your weight loss goal. A common goal or target deficit to use that is recommended by experts and doctors alike is; use about 20% less calories than you calculate is your maintenance calorie level.
At What Speed Should You Lose Weight?
Most doctors and experts recommend a 20% deficit in calories you eat. This is enough for the average person to lose about a half to two pounds of fat per week. This loss is only from counting calories. Ad a diet plan and some exercise methods, what do you think will result, can you achieve your weight loss goal? The more fat you have and the more out of shape you are, the less muscle you have will mean your diet plan and exercise methods will have a greater effect on you. Be smart, don't do anything dumb, if you haven't exercised or dieted in a long time, you need to talk to a doctor. You need to be sure everything is alright for you to start your diet plan and jump into your exercise methods to achieve your weight loss goal. Be cautious, weigh yourself on a regular basis in the morning usually, when your stomach is empty. Check your progress to make sure you aren't losing weight to fast. If you think you are, you can adjust methods and diet plan as needed. Remember to be safe first, your family and friends want you around for a little while still, I think (lol).
So as you work out and eat fewer calories, what do you think is happening? It's obvious and as soon as I tell you, you're going to say sure. You're going to get rid of fat and develop more muscle. At the beginning of this article I told you; your basal metabolic rate uses more calories just to maintain muscle and therefore your weight. When you start working out and you lose weight you need to do one thing for sure, you need to eat more protein. Your body needs protein to maintain your muscle mass. You want to get rid of fat and maintain your beautiful muscles, right! Protein is the key to achieving lean muscle tissue and getting rid of fat. Protein is also the most filling nutrient of all. Protein will keep you feeling, more full and keep you from getting hungry as fast as carbohydrates and fat will. Protein will help you maintain your appetite or hunger at a level you can control longer. Plus when your body digest protein it burns more calories in the process than it does to digest carbohydrates or fat. All foods use or burn calories when they are being digested. The amount of protein is relevant to your make-up, more muscle or fat determines the methods and diet plan you use to lose fat and achieve your weight loss goal. The amount of protein you should consume is the amount of protein recommended for your weight as if you have achieved your goal. Foods high in protein are fish, eggs, and turkey, lean cuts of red meat and chicken. You can also use protein supplements.
My Opinion Only.
Experts all say that a cardio workout burns calories faster than a weight lifting work out. I don't disagree with that at all. But, is a cardio workout really better for you than weight training? Yes a cardio work out burns calories faster, but it's harder physically to maintain on a regular basis over time and it's so boring I'd rather watch paint dry. The fact is what you start today; you need to be doing in a year from now. Here's my reason. Yes, cardio burns more calories and helps keep you lean, but weight training develops muscle mass. Muscle mass burns more calories even when it is at rest. You decide, what's easier to maintain over time, cardio or weight training?
Remember counting calories and eating plenty of protein are the most important factors for how you lose weight to achieve your weight loss goal. But is important for you to remember and get all of the other necessary vitamins, nutrients and minerals your body needs. It will take another article to address this important issue; I'll save that for another day.
Articles, websites, books and methods all trying to teach us how to get rid of fat and lose weight, so many in fact that we start ignoring them. Before we realize it another week, month or year goes by and we still don't reach our weight loss goal. I'm guilty of saying this. How about you? If one more crappy diet that doesn't work is put out there for us; I'm throwing every one of the BS plans and methods I've gathered over the years in the fireplace and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows', at least I'll get some fun out of them. Are you tired of the poor weight loss methods and crappy plans for a diet to lose weight so you can sing Happy Trails to You? Do I have a stamp on my forehead that say's stupid?
Stated plainly without BS€¦; to lose weight and reach your weight loss goal you must pay attention to your diet. Count your calorie intake and use the correct methods to increase your exercise routine and make your metabolic rate increase. I'll do my best to make this all clear to you here in this article.
To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories and increase the amount of physical activities or exercise you do. No diet or new fad methods will work better for you than just counting calories. I know that protein, carbohydrates and fat you absorb all come from the different types of food and supplement's you eat. Exercise is a very big part of the formula to lose weight, and you need to pay attention to all of those other factors, but if you don't count the calories you eat, you're really just wasting your time trying to reach your weight loss goal. You must create a deficit of calories between what you basal metabolic function and physical activities use, and the amount of calories you eat.
To put it into more complicated terms. It is necessary to create a deficit in calorie intake between what your basal metabolic rate needs for the ordinary function of your body and you use in your normal daily routine. The less active you are, the greater the need is for you to eat less or fewer calories. The opposite is true also, the more active and physical you are the more calories you can eat and maintain your weight. The fact is your body's metabolism or metabolic rate is very consistent, because it uses the calories it needs to pump your heart and move your blood, build or repair cells and maintain your muscle mass and tissue at about or near the same rate on a regular basis. It takes less energy to maintain fat than it does for muscle. So the more muscular and active you are the more you can afford to eat and still maintain your weight loss goal. When you eat the same amount of calories your bodies basal metabolic rate uses, along with the calories needed for your physical activity, you maintain your weight at the level it's at. If you create a deficit in calories by diet or increased exercise and use more calories than you eat, you'll lose weight. Use fewer calories than you take in and your diet will fail, you won't reach your weight loss goal. When all is said, it's not what you eat but how much you eat!
We must figure out the calories our body uses now to maintain the weight we are at, so we can use the methods necessary and plan a diet to create a deficit and lose weight. You need a calorie calculator. Find one in a magazine or book, or you can search Google for one. You'll be able to enter the necessary information to get an idea of the calories you should be eating for your recommended size and age. Use this information only as an estimate in order to lose weight. Adjust your calorie intake as it is necessary for you to achieve your weight loss goal. A common goal or target deficit to use that is recommended by experts and doctors alike is; use about 20% less calories than you calculate is your maintenance calorie level.
At What Speed Should You Lose Weight?
Most doctors and experts recommend a 20% deficit in calories you eat. This is enough for the average person to lose about a half to two pounds of fat per week. This loss is only from counting calories. Ad a diet plan and some exercise methods, what do you think will result, can you achieve your weight loss goal? The more fat you have and the more out of shape you are, the less muscle you have will mean your diet plan and exercise methods will have a greater effect on you. Be smart, don't do anything dumb, if you haven't exercised or dieted in a long time, you need to talk to a doctor. You need to be sure everything is alright for you to start your diet plan and jump into your exercise methods to achieve your weight loss goal. Be cautious, weigh yourself on a regular basis in the morning usually, when your stomach is empty. Check your progress to make sure you aren't losing weight to fast. If you think you are, you can adjust methods and diet plan as needed. Remember to be safe first, your family and friends want you around for a little while still, I think (lol).
So as you work out and eat fewer calories, what do you think is happening? It's obvious and as soon as I tell you, you're going to say sure. You're going to get rid of fat and develop more muscle. At the beginning of this article I told you; your basal metabolic rate uses more calories just to maintain muscle and therefore your weight. When you start working out and you lose weight you need to do one thing for sure, you need to eat more protein. Your body needs protein to maintain your muscle mass. You want to get rid of fat and maintain your beautiful muscles, right! Protein is the key to achieving lean muscle tissue and getting rid of fat. Protein is also the most filling nutrient of all. Protein will keep you feeling, more full and keep you from getting hungry as fast as carbohydrates and fat will. Protein will help you maintain your appetite or hunger at a level you can control longer. Plus when your body digest protein it burns more calories in the process than it does to digest carbohydrates or fat. All foods use or burn calories when they are being digested. The amount of protein is relevant to your make-up, more muscle or fat determines the methods and diet plan you use to lose fat and achieve your weight loss goal. The amount of protein you should consume is the amount of protein recommended for your weight as if you have achieved your goal. Foods high in protein are fish, eggs, and turkey, lean cuts of red meat and chicken. You can also use protein supplements.
My Opinion Only.
Experts all say that a cardio workout burns calories faster than a weight lifting work out. I don't disagree with that at all. But, is a cardio workout really better for you than weight training? Yes a cardio work out burns calories faster, but it's harder physically to maintain on a regular basis over time and it's so boring I'd rather watch paint dry. The fact is what you start today; you need to be doing in a year from now. Here's my reason. Yes, cardio burns more calories and helps keep you lean, but weight training develops muscle mass. Muscle mass burns more calories even when it is at rest. You decide, what's easier to maintain over time, cardio or weight training?
Remember counting calories and eating plenty of protein are the most important factors for how you lose weight to achieve your weight loss goal. But is important for you to remember and get all of the other necessary vitamins, nutrients and minerals your body needs. It will take another article to address this important issue; I'll save that for another day.