General Hospital Daily Recap for February 22, 2010
No Such Thing as Privacy, Even on the Roof of GH, Dante Learns
Dante gets some air on the roof of GH, and turns to see Jason. What Jason is doing on the roof, he doesn't say. Dante wonders if he might be going to that big police car in the sky, but Jason informs him that Sonny has issued an order that Dante is not to be harmed. Lulu shows up - how do all these people know where Dante is? - and runs to Dante, baiting Jason to kill her, too.
Jason says that he was only there to ask Dante to give Sonny a break. Lulu assists Dante back to his room. Dante is impressed by the "no harm" order of Sonny's. It gives him free reign to send Sonny to prison by whatever means.
Sonny Wants A Good Relationship With Dante, and He Expects Olivia to Help Him
Sonny continues to pressure Olivia to intervene for him with Dante. He has lost twenty years of his son's life (try 30). Olivia doesn't think she owes him anything and has no regrets. She leaves. Max and Milo tell Sonny that his current shipment has been stolen, and the ensuing shooting was interrupted by, of all people, Ethan! Sonny insists that Jason do some investigating. Sonny can't do it because his trial is starting. Jason mentions to Sonny that Dante knows that Sonny doesn't want him harmed - so Sonny can expect Dante to pull just about anything. Sonny ignores him and goes to GH to visit Dante. Dante is ruder than ever. Going to be a tough road.
Lucky and Maxie Miss Crashing Their Cars; Lucky Speaks with Jason about Elizabeth
Lucky and Maxie avoid an accident. Maxie leaps out of her car, but she stops short when she sees Lucky. He apologizes, explaining that he has just left Elizabeth at Shadybrook. He has a cut on his forehead, so Maxie suggests that he get checked out at GH. Lucky doesn't want to bother. Maxie and Lucky go to her place, and they get into a discussion about Elizabeth. Lucky admits that he was not truthful with her, for the sake of her recovery. Maxie thinks Lucky should take care of himself first and offers to support him during all of this. Lucky is grateful. His next stop is the pier, where there was a shooting. Jason is there, so Lucky lets him know that Elizabeth is pregnant. Jason promises to stay out of it and also to help Lucky find out who took Sonny's shipment.
Ethan Wins Big at Cards; Luke is Worried; Johnny and Olivia are Up Where They Belong
Ethan walks into the Haunted Star without Luke's cigars. He explains that he got in the way of a shoot-out. Luke doesn't like the sound of that, but Ethan is nonplussed. Johnny turns up later and plays cards against Ethan. He loses a fortune. Turns out, he's the guy Johnny saved on the docks, and the money is his way of saying "thanks." Now Luke is really worried.
Johnny visits Olivia, wanting to reconnect with her. Seems like it's been awhile. They take up where they left off and make passionate, hot love.
Nikolas, Not the Most Sensitive of Men, Brings Pressure to Bear on Elizabeth
Nikolas declares his undying love for Elizabeth, who looks like she is ready to vomit. She responds that she loves him as well, but because of the baby, she wants to be with Lucky. Nikolas is fairly certain the child is his, and Elizabeth snaps at him - is he using this baby to get her? And why does he want a baby? He barely pays attention to his child!Nikolas leaves, but comes back later with some forms. He wants Elizabeth to agree to an early paternity test. She doesn't give him a definite answer.
Dante gets some air on the roof of GH, and turns to see Jason. What Jason is doing on the roof, he doesn't say. Dante wonders if he might be going to that big police car in the sky, but Jason informs him that Sonny has issued an order that Dante is not to be harmed. Lulu shows up - how do all these people know where Dante is? - and runs to Dante, baiting Jason to kill her, too.
Jason says that he was only there to ask Dante to give Sonny a break. Lulu assists Dante back to his room. Dante is impressed by the "no harm" order of Sonny's. It gives him free reign to send Sonny to prison by whatever means.
Sonny Wants A Good Relationship With Dante, and He Expects Olivia to Help Him
Sonny continues to pressure Olivia to intervene for him with Dante. He has lost twenty years of his son's life (try 30). Olivia doesn't think she owes him anything and has no regrets. She leaves. Max and Milo tell Sonny that his current shipment has been stolen, and the ensuing shooting was interrupted by, of all people, Ethan! Sonny insists that Jason do some investigating. Sonny can't do it because his trial is starting. Jason mentions to Sonny that Dante knows that Sonny doesn't want him harmed - so Sonny can expect Dante to pull just about anything. Sonny ignores him and goes to GH to visit Dante. Dante is ruder than ever. Going to be a tough road.
Lucky and Maxie Miss Crashing Their Cars; Lucky Speaks with Jason about Elizabeth
Lucky and Maxie avoid an accident. Maxie leaps out of her car, but she stops short when she sees Lucky. He apologizes, explaining that he has just left Elizabeth at Shadybrook. He has a cut on his forehead, so Maxie suggests that he get checked out at GH. Lucky doesn't want to bother. Maxie and Lucky go to her place, and they get into a discussion about Elizabeth. Lucky admits that he was not truthful with her, for the sake of her recovery. Maxie thinks Lucky should take care of himself first and offers to support him during all of this. Lucky is grateful. His next stop is the pier, where there was a shooting. Jason is there, so Lucky lets him know that Elizabeth is pregnant. Jason promises to stay out of it and also to help Lucky find out who took Sonny's shipment.
Ethan Wins Big at Cards; Luke is Worried; Johnny and Olivia are Up Where They Belong
Ethan walks into the Haunted Star without Luke's cigars. He explains that he got in the way of a shoot-out. Luke doesn't like the sound of that, but Ethan is nonplussed. Johnny turns up later and plays cards against Ethan. He loses a fortune. Turns out, he's the guy Johnny saved on the docks, and the money is his way of saying "thanks." Now Luke is really worried.
Johnny visits Olivia, wanting to reconnect with her. Seems like it's been awhile. They take up where they left off and make passionate, hot love.
Nikolas, Not the Most Sensitive of Men, Brings Pressure to Bear on Elizabeth
Nikolas declares his undying love for Elizabeth, who looks like she is ready to vomit. She responds that she loves him as well, but because of the baby, she wants to be with Lucky. Nikolas is fairly certain the child is his, and Elizabeth snaps at him - is he using this baby to get her? And why does he want a baby? He barely pays attention to his child!Nikolas leaves, but comes back later with some forms. He wants Elizabeth to agree to an early paternity test. She doesn't give him a definite answer.