Jobs in Editing & Writing

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    • A reporter is responsible for collecting and organizing facts and other information and then interpreting the information into news stories for readers or television viewers. The job of a reporter is not easy--it takes tenacity and a willingness to work odd hours in order to get the story before deadline. However, it can be a rewarding career that helps bring important news to light and there's always plenty of writing opportunities.

      According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage of reporters as of May 2008 was $34,850. The BLS also projected that the number of available reporter jobs would decline significantly from 2008 to 2018, but those reporters with multimedia skills will still be in demand for Web-based publications.

    Assignment Editor

    • Assignment editors are responsible for making sure everything is working on schedule in a newsroom. It's a multifaceted job: they develop story ideas, assign stories to reporters, manage work flow and ensure everything is ready for publication when the time comes. It can be an extremely high-pressure job, especially when it's close to deadline and all of the pieces aren't finished. For all the stress, it's also rewarding to see the finished publication printed or up on the website.

      According to the BLS, the median annual salary of editors as of May 2008 was $49,990.


    • A copywriter's role is different than that of reporter. Copywriters are largely responsible for creating advertising copy that encourages customers to purchase products. This copy can range from product names and descriptions to website copy to print advertisements. Copywriters must be adept at developing compelling sales pitches for the products or company they work with--think about it: all of the product slogans and taglines come from copywriters. It may seem easy, but it can take weeks or even months to develop the perfect copy for a product.

      According to the BLS, the median annual salary of copywriters was $61,6020 as of May 2008. Salary will vary greatly depending on where the copywriter lives and which company he works with.

    Copy Editors

    • Copy editors are also responsible for making sure articles and copy gets published on time, but their main duty is to ensure that the copy reads well, is free of grammatical errors and explains the story's subject appropriately.

      Copy editors tend to work later hours than other writers and reporters because they are usually the last people who see an article before it's published. It's vital that copy editors are detail-oriented and understand proper language use and style.

      Like with assignment editors, copy editors have a median salary of $49,990 as of May 2008, according to the BLS. With all jobs, the ultimate salary copy editors make depends on their career stage, company and location.

    Freelance Writers and Editors

    • Freelancers do the same work that other reporters, copywriters and editors do, the only difference is that one particular company doesn't employ them. Instead, they market their services to media companies and other organizations that need extra help. If the companies like their work, the freelancers are contracted to write or edit for projects--either on a continuing or project-by-project basis.

      Freelance work is challenging because the income isn't guaranteed each week or month. Because of this, writers and editors must continuously market themselves in order to work. This career option works well for those who are motivated to seek out work.

      Pay rates for freelance writers and editors depend largely on the company they contract with and their amount of experience--freelancers with several years of experience can generally command a higher rate than those just starting in their careers.

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