Hardwood Flooring Polishing and Sanding
Homes around the world have added warmth and elegance with the distinctive hardwood flooring choices. Solid timber floors are extremely durable and last over 20 years. During this time period, you can often sand and polish it to renew the look and gloss of the floor.
Even though the initial installation price is costly, the contemporary appeal and sturdiness of wooden floors make them a worthwhile deal. There are two kinds of solid timber flooring available - solid timber overlay and tongue & groove timber.
Tongue and groove timber flooring
This is the conventional approach to laying wooden boards in an interlocking manner. You can get this flooring in 19mm strips that differ in their width from 60 to 80 to 130 mm. You will also find lengths of the 19 mm thickness at 900 to 5400 mm.
There are 2 nailing methods and you can pick the one that you prefer. Typically, it would be the method referred to as -top nail' where the head of the nail can be seen in the floor. The modern technique is called the -secret nail' and predictably the nails cannot be seen, providing you with an unblemished finish.
Solid timber overlay floor
This overlay means utilizing wood all the way and is quite similar in benefits of the conventional tongue and groove method. The difference lies in the thickness and instead of the 19mm thickness, these are available in 12 or 13 mm. So, if space is a problem, this can be very useful. If you reside in an flat or wish to cover a sub floor that currently has a concrete floor, it is now possible. The nailing methods can be the same.
Floating floors
As opposed to the traditional floors, these are not nailed down. These may in fact be overlaid on pre-existing floors such as concrete, particle board, timber floor, tiles or plywood. This offers excellent sound insulation. Homes and multi-story residential buildings love them because of this. These floating floors could be timber and even laminate.
A layer of hardwood boards are glued down to a fiberboard of high density. These can be purchased pre-coated or you can coat them after they are installed. A solid hardwood flooring can be refinished and therefore remains the most advantageous.
Despite the fact that laminate floors are low maintenance, the finishing effect is super Floor Polishing
When precision milled solid wood pieces are put together to make dazzling patterns and chic geometric designs, it is termed as parquetry. You can choose from an array of available designs or create one from your own imagination. You'll find mosaic parquetry and block parquetry.
The mosaic style is conventional where small fingers of timber are organized in styles and come as small panels. When you use bigger blocks of wood and lay them down in patterns that use similar or contrasting blocks, it is known as block parquetry. These blocks can be 340 x 85 x 18 mm and could even be large blocks in sizes from 400 to 450 mm in size.
Parquetry is also glued down on a sub floor. Durability, ease of maintenance and the choice to refinish by sanding and polishing are its wonderful features. Always get parquetry presented by professionals.