How Do I Change a File Time & Date Stamp in Windows XP?
- 1). Install AttributeMagic to manage time and date file information in Windows XP. This program is available in three versions. Each version can be tried for free for a trial period. AttributeMagic controls all three of the primary time and date stamps for Windows file management. Specific dates and times, or a.m. and p.m. information can be controlled. An increment and decrement feature lets the program automatically set the date and time stamp either earlier or later than the current stamp. The "Professional" version of the software also allows for the change of date and time stamp associated with digital photos.
- 2). Download the NewFileTime utility for changing time and date stamps in Windows XP. This program requires no installation. It operates as a utility that runs as soon as the file is launched. The program is free. To change the time and date information on any file, drag it on top of the NewFileTime utility window. Alternately, the utility's "Import" button can be used. The window displays the current stamp of the file with settings to change it. All three primary time stamps can be set individually, and then click the "Set Time" button to initiate the changes.
- 3). Install PE Explorer for more advanced time and date stamp configuration in Windows XP. This program exclusively handles Windows executable files, which are programs that typically have the ".exe" and ".dll" file extensions. PE Explorer allows you to change the time and date stamp of when these files were compiled into a running program. The software is available for free for a trial period. Changing time and date stamp on executable program code may be useful for computer programmers or others who manage system files. Run this utility by selecting the "TimeDateStamp Adjuster" from the PE Explorer program menu.