How to Use Pager Codes
- 1). Memorize commonly used pager codes such as 411 ("I need/have information for/from you"), 007 ("I have a secret for you") and 911 ("I have an urgent message for you/Respond immediately").
- 2). Use a pocket calculator to see what words you can make out of numbers, especially when read upside down. Good examples include "HELLO" (07734), "LATE" (87) and for the holidays, "HO HO HO" (040404).
- 3). Use famous dates to make suggestions or express other feelings. Examples include 1492 to suggest "Let's go sailing" and 1776 to say "You're revolting."
- 4). Try making little pictures out of the numbers. For example, the message 10000001 looks like two people standing a great distance apart. This code is often used to say "I miss you."
- 5). Establish other recognizable codes with your friends. For example, a popular way of saying "I love you" on a pager is the message "143," because it represents the number of letters in each word of the phrase (I: 1, LOVE: 4, YOU: 3).
- 6). Assign short, two- or three-digit numerical ID codes to your friends and yourself to avoid having to punch in entire phone numbers when sending pages.