My LG Chocolate Is Overheating
- The LG Chocolate mobile phone may overheat if an unauthorized battery is used in the phone. The only recommended battery for the phone is an LG battery. An unauthorized battery may swell, leading to overheating. Counterfeit batteries or improper replacement batteries can also lead to the phone to short circuit. Authorized batteries are available to purchase directly from the manufacturer's website or a service provider's retail store.
- Water damage can cause the phone to overheat, which can lead to further damage. When the phone is water damaged, the indicator on the phone changes color. The indicator is located beneath the battery cover and battery of the LG Chocolate. Normally, the indicator is white but turns a reddish pink when it's exposed to water. Although the phone may still function, it may continue to overheat.
- LG recommends the use of an LG charger with the Chocolate phone. You can also purchase an approved charger from an authorized retailer. A faulty charger can not only lead to the phone overheating but could cause damage to the battery. Using another approved charger with the phone can help to determine if the charger is the root of the overheating problem. A mobile device repair center can also test the charger for problems.
- The use of the LG Chocolate while charging the phone can lead to overheating. Talking on the phone and running applications such as games can cause the phone to overheat. By allowing the phone to charge without using it, the risk of overheating is reduced. Exiting all applications or simply turning the phone off while charging can reduce the risk of overheating and causing damage to the phone.
Water Damage
Use While Charging