80s Fancy Dress On a Budget
With the increase of fancy dress and its popularity comes the increase of expense and sadly some stockiest are homing in on this and aren't doing the customer any favours, by bumping up the price of costumes knowing full well that people want and need costumes for a party or night out. An average costumes cost £39.99 and when you add this cost to your night out in is an expense that can't be repeated too often. A much cheaper option is to buy smaller items such as fishnet tights, tutu's and gloves, which are much cheaper to buy than a full costume and can be mixed and match with other accessories around to create an individual and unique look. They can also be reused and recycled in many different ways to make a new look for the next party.
Using a bit of imagination and browsing the Internet for ideas from the 80s you too can create a unique fancy dress outfit on a budget. Ideas can come from TV shows like The Young Ones, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Music of the eighties, ABBA, Adam & the Ants, Beastie Boys, Run DMC, Michael Jackson to name a few but also influential fugues in politics Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher & Gorbachev etc. or from the great movies of the 1980s, Rambo. Rocky, Batman and Star Wars. These give you some great ideas that you can adapt and use as much or as little depending on the night out or occasion. Whichever themes you choose for your fancy dress costume ensure you dress to impress and remember the wackier the better.
Neon accessories can be used in costumes for both men and women, stag weekends can't get enough of dressing up like women…seeing hairy 16 stone men dressed up in girly skirts is not a pretty sight. But for some reason men love to do it and who are we to suggest other wise. Men's stag parties always buy in bulk so everyone in the group can join in the 80s girly fun! Don't let just the stag look super cool n sexy in his neon skirt It doesn't just stop at skirts and tutus, everyone loves a wig and changing the appearance of how you look gives you a whole new perspective on a night out. But it is all part of the fun with fancy dress, anyone of any sex or age can get involved and spice up their night out.
For the more energetic amongst us and fun runs are your thing or even crazier doing 26 miles in the name of charity, why not stand out from the other joggers and get some fancy dress neon tutus for you and you gang of runners… Not too constricting to prevent you from running but fun and memorable to both you and the crowd watching.
For the ladies, the 80s neon tutus can be used with the big hair, bright colours, big bangles and fancy neon skirts. Topping the outfit off with more neon headbands and a glitzy handbag. Creating a unique 80s style costume that's reusable and cheap, an outfit ready to hit the town. For a girlie night why make it a normal run of the mill night when you can make it a night to remember, and talked about for years to come. And because they are relatively cheap they wont break the bank and eat into the drinking budget,
So come on, let your imagination run wild and re-live those fun, carefree 80s nights.
Using a bit of imagination and browsing the Internet for ideas from the 80s you too can create a unique fancy dress outfit on a budget. Ideas can come from TV shows like The Young Ones, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Music of the eighties, ABBA, Adam & the Ants, Beastie Boys, Run DMC, Michael Jackson to name a few but also influential fugues in politics Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher & Gorbachev etc. or from the great movies of the 1980s, Rambo. Rocky, Batman and Star Wars. These give you some great ideas that you can adapt and use as much or as little depending on the night out or occasion. Whichever themes you choose for your fancy dress costume ensure you dress to impress and remember the wackier the better.
Neon accessories can be used in costumes for both men and women, stag weekends can't get enough of dressing up like women…seeing hairy 16 stone men dressed up in girly skirts is not a pretty sight. But for some reason men love to do it and who are we to suggest other wise. Men's stag parties always buy in bulk so everyone in the group can join in the 80s girly fun! Don't let just the stag look super cool n sexy in his neon skirt It doesn't just stop at skirts and tutus, everyone loves a wig and changing the appearance of how you look gives you a whole new perspective on a night out. But it is all part of the fun with fancy dress, anyone of any sex or age can get involved and spice up their night out.
For the more energetic amongst us and fun runs are your thing or even crazier doing 26 miles in the name of charity, why not stand out from the other joggers and get some fancy dress neon tutus for you and you gang of runners… Not too constricting to prevent you from running but fun and memorable to both you and the crowd watching.
For the ladies, the 80s neon tutus can be used with the big hair, bright colours, big bangles and fancy neon skirts. Topping the outfit off with more neon headbands and a glitzy handbag. Creating a unique 80s style costume that's reusable and cheap, an outfit ready to hit the town. For a girlie night why make it a normal run of the mill night when you can make it a night to remember, and talked about for years to come. And because they are relatively cheap they wont break the bank and eat into the drinking budget,
So come on, let your imagination run wild and re-live those fun, carefree 80s nights.