How to Enter Credit Card Charges As You Go With Quicken
- 1). Open the Online Account Setup window in Quicken. Click the "Online" tab in the Quicken main menu and choose "Online Services Setup."
- 2). Select the credit card account you want to automate from your list of accounts and select the "Edit Existing Account" button to open the "Account Setup" window. Select "Direct Connect" and then "Apply Now" to connect to your credit card company and provide information to set up the connection account.
- 3). Provide information your credit card company requires, such as name and account number and then click "OK" or "Finish" to return to your Quicken program. You will receive sign-on information to include a username and personal identification number (PIN) in the mail within seven to 10 days that will allow you to connect and download credit card charges.
- 1). Activate your connection account. Click "Tools" on the Quicken main menu, then "Account List" and choose the credit card account you want to activate a connection for to open the account register. Click "Set Up Online" to access the connection log-in screen.
- 2). Enter your username and PIN number. Click "Connect." Quicken will establish a connection to your credit card company and perform an initial download of current credit card charges. After downloading transactions, Quicken places them in a "Downloaded Transactions" section at the bottom of the register window. You can then review transactions, accept the unrecorded transactions and delete transactions already recorded.
- 3). Enable automatic download of credit card transactions. Click the "Set Up Download" button at the bottom of the credit card register and select the option to have Quicken connect and download transactions each time you log in.