How to Remove Regedit From My Windows XP Taskbar
- 1). Hold down the "Windows" key and then press the "M" button to minimize any open windows on the Windows XP home screen.
- 2). Right-click the "Registry Editor" icon in the Quick Launch toolbar, located to the right of the "Start" icon on the Windows XP taskbar. The "Registry Editor" icon looks like small, green blocks being stacked in the shape of a square. If you know the "Registry Editor" icon is included in the Quick Launch toolbar but the icon is not appearing and expansion arrows appear on the far-right side of the Quick Launch toolbar, click the expansion arrows. A list of additional programs in the Quick Launch toolbar appear in a context menu above the arrows. Right-click the "Registry Editor" icon.
- 3). Click "Delete." The Confirm File Delete dialog box appears on the screen.
- 4). Click "Yes" to confirm that you want to delete the Registry Editor program from the Quick Launch toolbar on the Windows XP taskbar.