How to Send Reminders by Text
- 1). Schedule text reminders for your cell phone using OhDontForget's free web-based utility (see Resources). The site's free service allows you to schedule one-time reminders for your cell phone by entering your cell number, date, time and a brief message into the utility. However, you'll need to pay for a premium subscription to take advantage of recurring reminders and address books.
- 2). Sign up for a free BitBomb account to send text message reminders to your cell phone (see Resources). BitBomb's calendar-style interface lets you quickly schedule or modify a reminder by clicking on a date and then clicking on a time slot. BitBomb also lets you schedule text reminders from your cell phone. You can schedule a reminder by sending a text message to BitBomb's email account.
- 3). Sign up for a TextingHome account to set up and send SMS text reminders (see Resources). With a free TextingHome account, you can schedule text reminder for delivery to any North American cell phone. Simply select a date on your reminders calendar and then enter a description of your reminder into one of the calendar's time slots.