Violin Lessons 101: How to Prepare for Competitions
Joining violin competitions from time to time can add spice to the life of students who attend violin schools. Whether you join a competition to gain prominence or merely challenge yourself to become better, the experience will always push you beyond your limits.
Winning or losing in a competition may not totally define your skill in violin playing and eventual success in the field of music. However, it is quite exciting to join and win music competitions especially if the contest is prestigious and judged by renowned personalities in the music industry.
Preparation plays a big part on your actual performance during the contest. It is very important that you prepare well for the event, give your best, but do not expect too much to win. Victory will be sweeter this way. In case you lost, at least you gave your best and are ready to continuously perform with your violin.
Practice Correctly
Unlike your usual practice when learning the violin, practice for competitions need extra effort and time. Your practice must be more frequent compared to your regular routines before the contest. However, this does not mean that you have to strain yourself during practice to be really good during the contest.
To make your practice efficient, plan ahead on the areas and skills you think you need to hone more, so you will have focus during the practice. To get more tips on practicing, ask some advice from your teacher if you are currently taking violin lessons.
Find Sufficient and Reliable Resources
Aside from the things you learn from violin schools, it is also important to find practical and reliable resources from books, videos, and articles that will help you develop good strategies for your contest piece.
Learn about the secrets of success of violin players so you will know the right formula for a winning performance.
Reshape Your Violin Lessons
When preparing for a competition, it is best to enroll in a private class on violin. This way, your teacher will have exclusive focus on you and be able to direct the pace and content of the class depending on your needs.
Aside from regular violin teachers, you can also look for performance coaches who can guide you specifically on the things you need to do and prepare prior to the contest. This is important if you are planning to join a big competition.
Have the Right Attitude
Your skill really plays an important role in making it in a competition, but your attitude is just as significant. Optimism and confidence is important right after you step on the stage and hit your first notes.
Be proud if you win, but be sensitive with your opponents' feelings as well. In case you lose, try to be a good sport and accept the judges' decision. This however does not mean that you have to stop joining contests. The experience should teach you about the things you need to improve on in playing the violin. Moreover, the right character is not simply learned from violin schools, this is developed within as you move forward in life.
Winning or losing in a competition may not totally define your skill in violin playing and eventual success in the field of music. However, it is quite exciting to join and win music competitions especially if the contest is prestigious and judged by renowned personalities in the music industry.
Preparation plays a big part on your actual performance during the contest. It is very important that you prepare well for the event, give your best, but do not expect too much to win. Victory will be sweeter this way. In case you lost, at least you gave your best and are ready to continuously perform with your violin.
Practice Correctly
Unlike your usual practice when learning the violin, practice for competitions need extra effort and time. Your practice must be more frequent compared to your regular routines before the contest. However, this does not mean that you have to strain yourself during practice to be really good during the contest.
To make your practice efficient, plan ahead on the areas and skills you think you need to hone more, so you will have focus during the practice. To get more tips on practicing, ask some advice from your teacher if you are currently taking violin lessons.
Find Sufficient and Reliable Resources
Aside from the things you learn from violin schools, it is also important to find practical and reliable resources from books, videos, and articles that will help you develop good strategies for your contest piece.
Learn about the secrets of success of violin players so you will know the right formula for a winning performance.
Reshape Your Violin Lessons
When preparing for a competition, it is best to enroll in a private class on violin. This way, your teacher will have exclusive focus on you and be able to direct the pace and content of the class depending on your needs.
Aside from regular violin teachers, you can also look for performance coaches who can guide you specifically on the things you need to do and prepare prior to the contest. This is important if you are planning to join a big competition.
Have the Right Attitude
Your skill really plays an important role in making it in a competition, but your attitude is just as significant. Optimism and confidence is important right after you step on the stage and hit your first notes.
Be proud if you win, but be sensitive with your opponents' feelings as well. In case you lose, try to be a good sport and accept the judges' decision. This however does not mean that you have to stop joining contests. The experience should teach you about the things you need to improve on in playing the violin. Moreover, the right character is not simply learned from violin schools, this is developed within as you move forward in life.