Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Permanently

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How to get rid of hemorrhoids the natural way is a popular topic on many health forums online.  People usually prefer a natural cure for all sorts of body ailments and when it comes to the embarrassing and yet painful condition of hemorrhoids, it is no different.  Having hemorrhoids is a nightmare and could hinder you from doing your normal daily activities.  Sitting for a longer period of time can even become unbearable.  The constant itching and burning sensations can put you in extreme discomfort and sleeping can even become a challenge sometimes.  Unfortunately, hemorrhoids can be a recurring condition if not treated properly.  Getting rid of hemorrhoids for good without undergoing a surgery can be made possible with the use of natural remedies.

The causes of hemorrhoids

There are many underlying causes of hemorrhoids.  Pregnancy and excess weight can trigger the existence of hemorrhoids.  Moving heavy objects that create a strain in the wrong places, excessive constipation and general physical strain are some of the common causes of hemorrhoids.  If you want to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids without surgery and over the counter medications, you can do so by taking the natural route.  However, it is also important to note that to stop the recurrence of hemorrhoids, you need to also treat the causes or avoid doing things that will trigger the condition.  For instance, eat plenty of fiber to avoid constipation and achieve a regular bowel movement.  Now, the next step is to find out the cure for hemorrhoids the natural way, and for good.

Here are some effective home remedies that you can try on how to get rid of hemorrhoids the natural way:
  1. You can use horse chestnut to treat hemorrhoids.  This will increase blood flow, strengthen connective tissue and diminish swelling and tighten up veins.  It is one of the most popular home remedies on getting rid of hemorrhoids within Europe.  However, this remedy is not recommended for people who have kidney or liver problems and as well as for pregnant or nursing women.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is also effective to stop hemorrhoids from bleeding.  You can take two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water every meal.  Likewise, you can also apply the vinegar directly on the hemorrhoids using a cotton ball.
  3. To get instant relief from the pain and discomfort, you can mix sulfur with Vaseline and apply to the hemorrhoid 2 to 3 times a day.
  4. Another efficient way on how to get rid of hemorrhoids is the use of thermotherapy.  Performing it once a week for four weeks can shrink the hemorrhoids and stop the bleeding.
  5. To relieve you from itching, burning and pain, you can apply Echinacea extract on the hemorrhoid with a cotton ball.

There are several other ways to cure hemorrhoids the natural way but the above tips can help you get started.  Without having the need to result to painful surgery, the above natural remedies are a great start on how to get rid of hemorrhoids for good.
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