Top Web Site Mistakes Solopreneurs Make (and How to Fix Them)
As an online business coach, I have reviewed hundreds of solopreneur web sites. Many of them are making exactly the same mistakes on their web sites and are losing customers as a result. Here are the most common mistakes that solopreneurs make:
- The web site is hard to use and navigate. Quite a few web sites that I visit are very confusing. It is difficult to figure out how to request more information, how to find out more about the web site owner, and how to get additional information about products and services offered on the web site. If you want to gain more customers online, make sure that your web site is easy to use and navigate.
- The Web site is not compelling enough. Sometimes a web site looks good, but nothing on the web site is compelling enough for me to stop, learn more about the products and services offered or subscribe to the newsletter.
Give your visitors a real reason to stop and read your web site and subscribe to your newsletter. Offer a free special report, or some other product to your newsletter subscribers as a gift; this will give them a compelling reason to subscribe to your newsletter.
- The web site contains too much professional jargon. While your professional vocabulary is second nature to you, your potential clients do not understand it. Make sure that your web site copy is written in plain English, so that everyone can understand it. When your web site visitors understand what you have written on your web site, they are much more likely to hire you.
- No newsletter offered on the web site. Not everyone who comes to your web site is going to be in need of your services immediately. You need to be able to keep in touch with people who come to your web site, but are not ready to hire you yet.
A newsletter is a great tool to keep in touch with your web site visitors, share information with them and educate them about your products and services. Make sure that you have a newsletter subscription form on every page of your web site, and that you offer a compelling reason for your web site visitors to subscribe to it.
Take a look at your web site now, and make sure that you are not making the above mistakes. And if you are, correct them immediately. Making these mistakes is costing your clients.
- The web site is hard to use and navigate. Quite a few web sites that I visit are very confusing. It is difficult to figure out how to request more information, how to find out more about the web site owner, and how to get additional information about products and services offered on the web site. If you want to gain more customers online, make sure that your web site is easy to use and navigate.
- The Web site is not compelling enough. Sometimes a web site looks good, but nothing on the web site is compelling enough for me to stop, learn more about the products and services offered or subscribe to the newsletter.
Give your visitors a real reason to stop and read your web site and subscribe to your newsletter. Offer a free special report, or some other product to your newsletter subscribers as a gift; this will give them a compelling reason to subscribe to your newsletter.
- The web site contains too much professional jargon. While your professional vocabulary is second nature to you, your potential clients do not understand it. Make sure that your web site copy is written in plain English, so that everyone can understand it. When your web site visitors understand what you have written on your web site, they are much more likely to hire you.
- No newsletter offered on the web site. Not everyone who comes to your web site is going to be in need of your services immediately. You need to be able to keep in touch with people who come to your web site, but are not ready to hire you yet.
A newsletter is a great tool to keep in touch with your web site visitors, share information with them and educate them about your products and services. Make sure that you have a newsletter subscription form on every page of your web site, and that you offer a compelling reason for your web site visitors to subscribe to it.
Take a look at your web site now, and make sure that you are not making the above mistakes. And if you are, correct them immediately. Making these mistakes is costing your clients.