How to Naturally Lose Your Weight Fast
This would explain the incredible lengths people go to lose weight.
Diet pills, special weight loss supplements and medications from doctors all try to provide that magic bullet solution.
With any type of pill or medication comes side-effects.
Losing weight naturally is always going to be the safest option for your health.
Losing weight does not have to be difficult if you can keep to the following tips.
Review your current diet.
The first thing you need to do is keep a food diary.
Once you know what types of foods you eat you may be surprised at how much of it is high in calories and provides you with little to no nutritional value.
Anything that is deep-fried or highly processed is generally bound to be unhealthy.
Examples consists of processed meats, whole fat dairy products and commercially baked goods.
A diet that consist primarily of low-fat dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats are not only healthier but on average contain less calories.
Drink more water.
If you are counting the calories don't forget to count liquid intake.
Water by itself is best and is only 0 cals.
Sodas, sweet teas and any highly sugared beverages can pack a lot of calories in just a few millilitres.
If you are reaching for diet sodas think again.
There has been research done that seems to show a relation between weight gain and diet sodas.
Although this is not a causal relationship people theorize that drinking diet sodas tends to encourage bad eating habits.
Split your meals.
Instead of eating three large meals during the day, split your portions in half and have six mini meals.
This concept is known as grazing.
Having smaller meals is inherently better as it allows your body to control blood sugar levels a lot better.
Having a constant intake of energy also allows your body to keep its metabolic rate higher.
The end result is that your intake during the day is the same but more calories can be burnt.
It is technically possible to lose weight without exercising, all you have to do is eat less than you need.
Exercise has a few benefits.
Firstly it helps to consume extra calories and secondly and helps to improve your base metabolic rate.
By exercising during the day the benefits of that exercise last well longer than the 45 min you will spend walking or running.
Build muscle.
Weight by weight, muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat.
For that reason, when you are in survival mode your body tends to shed muscle before fat.
If you increase the amount of muscle on your body in means your body has to burn more calories to maintain itself.
Adding lean muscle to lose weight is an excellent way to be fit and slim.