Worgen Leveling Guide 1-85 - Getting to 85 Quick
When you're trying to level up a worgen to 85 as fast as possible, sometimes it's tough to figure out how to work your way through the new zones that have been brought in with the Cataclysm expansion. In reality, there aren't that many new zones. The old ones have just been redesigned however, making the game feel new even for old WoW veterans.
The key to finding a good worgen leveling guide 1-85is to consider a few things: what part of the game do you need help with in terms of leveling? Are you struggling through a particular zone or level range? Are you trying to find the best spots to grind mobs, or do you prefer questing your way to 85? If you're someone who instances a lot, you may also be using the dungeon finder for leveling as well.
Basically, your leveling path as a worgen will go something like this: Gilneas as the starting zone, then Darkshore/elf lands as your next area, and then from there you can progress through the Kalimdor zones. If you like, you can also check out the Eastern Kingdoms for quests. Any time you are in doubt about where you should be leveling, the heroes boards around major Alliance cities will have quests for you, telling you what zone you should be in.
It's also important for anyone seeking good tips for a worgen leveling guide 1-85 to have good leveling specs for your particular class. Doing good damage and always being able to kill mobs fast and have little downtime between pulls is important. Try to maximize your survivability so you'll stay alive while questing, and use heirloom gear if you can, as it will increase your XP as well.
As long as you are careful to follow the correct steps for leveling, the process of getting a worgen to max level in as little as a week or two is not difficult, especially with the changes that have been made to leveling. WoW is now much easier for everyone, new and old players alike, and worgen are one way to really enjoy new aspects of the game.
The key to finding a good worgen leveling guide 1-85is to consider a few things: what part of the game do you need help with in terms of leveling? Are you struggling through a particular zone or level range? Are you trying to find the best spots to grind mobs, or do you prefer questing your way to 85? If you're someone who instances a lot, you may also be using the dungeon finder for leveling as well.
Basically, your leveling path as a worgen will go something like this: Gilneas as the starting zone, then Darkshore/elf lands as your next area, and then from there you can progress through the Kalimdor zones. If you like, you can also check out the Eastern Kingdoms for quests. Any time you are in doubt about where you should be leveling, the heroes boards around major Alliance cities will have quests for you, telling you what zone you should be in.
It's also important for anyone seeking good tips for a worgen leveling guide 1-85 to have good leveling specs for your particular class. Doing good damage and always being able to kill mobs fast and have little downtime between pulls is important. Try to maximize your survivability so you'll stay alive while questing, and use heirloom gear if you can, as it will increase your XP as well.
As long as you are careful to follow the correct steps for leveling, the process of getting a worgen to max level in as little as a week or two is not difficult, especially with the changes that have been made to leveling. WoW is now much easier for everyone, new and old players alike, and worgen are one way to really enjoy new aspects of the game.