How to Do Godmode in "Modern Warfare 2" on PS3
- 1). Download and install the "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 CVARS." It's a small application that won't take up a great deal of space. The CVARS tool is used to edit the parameters of saved game data from your PlayStation 3.
- 2). Connect your USB memory stick to your PlayStation 3 console and power it on. Log into your profile and scroll through your saved games until you locate your save file for "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" saved data. Press the triangle button to bring up the contextual menu and select "Copy," followed by the drive name for your memory stick.
- 3). Power off the PlayStation 3 and remove the memory stick. Connect it to your PC and open the directory. Locate the saved game data and make a copy on your hard drive as a master backup.
- 4). Double-click the CVARS application icon and open the interface. Click "File" then Open" and navigate to the saved game data that is still located on the memory stick. Do not edit the version on your hard disk.
- 5). Click the "ADD" button in the lower right corner to bring up the list of available modifications. Click the check box next to "Infinite Health" to enable "God Mode," along with any of the other cheats you wish to enable. Click "File" then Save" and overwrite the original saved game on the USB stick. Eject the USB stick from the PC and reconnect it to the PlayStation. Copy the saved game from the stick back to the PlayStation hard drive. Load the game as you normally would, and "God Mode" should be enabled.