Tips to Create Professional Squeeze Pages
Create Personalized Squeeze Page - On the page you ask your website visitors to give personal information about themselves so it is obvious that you also give information about yourself. If they know who you are they will feel themselves more securely. Therefore, give some info about yourself, a picture or even a video.
Make your Squeeze Page looks professional and modern. Your page shows how serious you are about your business. It is obvious that a crappy looking page will not convert so well. Try to use the latest images, colors and functions such as Facebook applications. Moreover, try to avoid the typical, old style squeeze page since they are around the internet for many years and some people even have negative experiences. Create unique, not a typical looking squeeze page, however do not use unnecessary design elements or functions.
Offer free giveaways. This tactic is really useful to get as many subscribers as possible. Offer a free ebook, software, blueprint anything that can be useful for the visitor. People like free things.
Be short and use videos. People do not want to read so much so it is unnecessary even harmful to write long texts on your squeeze pages. Instead of that use videos. People love videos since it is faster and easier to understand than a long text. So I suggest you to use a video where the details are given.
Fortunately, nowadays you can use squeeze page generator software that helps you to create professional looking pages with all the necessary functions and design elements. They have built-in templates if you do not want to spend your time creating one as well as many extras to make your squeeze page as high converting as possible.