Sexy People Date Sexy People- 3 Objectives Why We Need 6 Pack Abs
Objective #1. Our feelings about ourselves:
You know that having that body is more than just about showing off your 6 pack abs at the beach... As an overweight person you must endure the emotional heartache of being out of shape. Your excess baggage becomes the focal point in your life. You stress about it... you eat... you gain weight--which adds more stress--so you eat some more. Self loathing develops, insidiously entering every aspect of your life. It is a vicious cycle, and with every pound you gain you face the potential health factors associated with obesity.
Objective #2. Our health:
In our looks-obsessed society, lots of people think that being overweight is an appearance issue. But being overweight is actually a medical concern because it can seriously affect a person's health. The health problems that stem from being overweight go way beyond the ones we usually hear about, like diabetes and heart disease. Being overweight can also affect a person's joints, breathing, sleep, mood, and energy levels. So being overweight can impact a person's entire quality of life as well as spilling through to our relationships.
Objective #3 Our relationships: (sexy people date sexy people )
How you look affects the social context of your life. The job you have, the relationships you have or don't have, how you fit into the social scene... Lets face it, we are a biased society. Looks matter! Overweight is a still remains socially unacceptable. It is the unfortunate truth that overweight people come in second.
Be it our emotional well being, social status, or physical health its our weight that rules the outcome. Maybe you want to drop those stubborn last 10 lbs. that have been tormenting you forever...or shed that first 100 lbs. that are the ruin your or health and social life...Everything you've tried up till now has failed and left you frustrated and in worse shape...
The Answer:
Make a change. There is no other answer. How about adopting a new way of eating? One were you can eat lots and still lose heaps of pounds. How about a crazy-fun weight/cardio routine that will sculpt your abs while boosting your metabolism? There is a program that will help you get all that and more.
The result:
What you will get is a firm and flat defined 6 pack abs that attract attention like nothing abs represent good health, power, and yes, sexy people date sexy people.