High School Classroom Games
- This twist on the "who am I?" game is useful for encouraging teenagers to learn more about the people they have been studying. Divide your students into pairs, write the names of key people they have been studying on sticky notes and stick a name to the forehead of one pupil in each pair without that pupil seeing it. Instead of the "named" pupil asking questions, as in the standard "who am I" game, his partner has to give him key dates and events he has taken part in until he works out who he is supposed to be.
- Give one pupil a word related to the subject she is studying and tell her she must speak on it for one minute. She must not hesitate, deviate from the subject or repeat the word. If she messes up, other pupils may challenge her. Start a timer as soon as the pupil has been given her word and stop it as soon as she is challenged. If the challenge is justified, the challenger gets a point and takes over talking for the remaining minute or until she is successfully challenged. Give a bonus point to whoever is speaking when the minute ends.
- Divide your pupils into groups and ask each group to pick an episode in history to recreate. Provide them with basic craft materials such as cardboard boxes and tubes, pens, paint and paper, scraps of old fabric, scissors and glue. Give them one hour to make props and come up with a basic 30-second performance. Each group must take turns performing its scene for the rest of the class, which then has to guess what it is.
- This is a positive game for improving pupil relationships and learning about how others perceive us. Divide pupils into pairs (try to separate close friends) and provide each pair with a list of questions referring to character and personal interests, such as: "If I were a country, which country would I be," "If I were a famous band or singer, who would I be," "Which actor would play me in my life," etc. Pupils have to write down their own answers, and then take turns answering the questions about their classmates.
Famous Faces
One-Minute Game
Historical Drama