Panic Attack Treatment 5 Quick solutions
You may think you are losing a grip on reality but you're not. many people experience episodes like this every single day, regular people like you and me, it's a very real and sometimes overwhelming condition and can be frightening and confusing especially if you don't know what is happening to you.
So when you have identified the problem, what can be done about it?
Well treatment usually comes in two different forms, prescription drugs and "CBT" or cognitive behavioural therapy which takes the form of regular sessions with a trained therapist, who is equipped to deal with such problems and can help establish new behaviours in dealing with Stress and Anxiety, and the way you see and react to it.
They may also help with breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.
If Anxiety attacks are severe and CBT alone is not having the desired effect, it may be deemed necessary by your doctor to prescribe anti depressants in order to help alleviate symptoms, however this should not be regarded as a long term solution and is not suitable for everyone as each and every person is individual.
However there is always help at hand for sufferers of anxiety disorders and you need not suffer alone.
Self Help Strategies
* Try not to fight it - Focus on the thought that however bad it may seem, it will come to an end, and although it is distressing and embarrassing it is not life threatening. Try to keep this in mind and wait for it to pass.
* Learn to relax - Many people who suffer from panic disorders spend all their time thinking about when it's likely to happen again and become so stressed and anxious this in turn causes more panic causing a vicious circle. Practise deep breathing exercises, complementary therapies are also useful to many people, things like massage or aromatherapy, reiki or reflexology, an ability to connect to your inner self will also help during an attack and will calm you helping you to become more rational in your thinking.
* Join a local support group, where there are others in the same situation, its good to talk about your fears with those that understand and are supportive.
* Take regular exercise, this will help to alleviate feeling of stress and tension and will boost serotonin levels making you more calm and relaxed.
* Try creative visualisation, think of a place or situation that makes you feel happy and relaxed, close your eyes and really focus on the good feelings, concentrate on your breathing, you can do this frequently, even if its only for a few minutes at a time, its particularly useful before dealing with a situation you know you will find stressful