Panic Attacks - Cures & Treatments
You don't have to live with panic attacks for the rest of your life.
You don't have to accept them as a burden that you will always have to bear.
With these treatments your next panic attack could last as long as just a few seconds, or you could even get rid of them all together.
How does that sound? For organizational purposes and easy reading, this article has been divided into the various treatments that the medical world has to offer.
At the end of the article, there is a treatment program that you can get started on right away.
So without further Ado, the first method of treatment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy.
The purpose of cognitive therapy is to identify and influence the irrational thoughts that lead to anxiety attacks through cognitions, assumptions, beliefs and behaviors.
This is a long-term strategy to cope with panic attacks.
It often takes months to identify the irrational thoughts and to replace them with rational ones so that your anxiety attacks will stop.
Patients often complain of money required to carry out these sessions as well as the time it takes out of their day.
Cognitive therapy is often used in tandem with mood-stabilizing medications.
Paper Bag Rebreathing: Doctors and patients alike often espouse the virtues of paper-bag rebreathing as a short-term treatment to anxiety attacks.
This balances the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood stream.
Panic attacks are often the result of breathing too fast or too deeply which increases the amount of oxygen in the blood stream which leads to panic attack symptoms.
Medication: The medication most commonly prescribed for the treatment of panic attacks are the benzodiazepine class of drugs.
These include clonazepam,lorazepam, alprazolam and most commonly diazepam.
Also commonly prescribed are SSRI anti-depressants.
Other Methods & Techniques: A lot of experienced anxiety attack sufferers have employed several different methods & techniques as short-term treatments.
These include diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing which is characterized by very slow breathing through the nose which corrects the carbon dioxide/oxygen imbalance.
Also an effective technique is to acknowledge and accept that you are having a panic attack.
Coping statements or mantra's are also used by many.
Also very effective is the action of talking with a supportive person.
I hope this information has helped the reader with his or her panic attack treatment inquiries.
Remember, every anxiety attack treatment method is not for everyone.
You must choose the option best suited for yourself.
What you should not do, however, is not try any treatment and hope the attacks will just go away.
They will not.
You don't have to accept them as a burden that you will always have to bear.
With these treatments your next panic attack could last as long as just a few seconds, or you could even get rid of them all together.
How does that sound? For organizational purposes and easy reading, this article has been divided into the various treatments that the medical world has to offer.
At the end of the article, there is a treatment program that you can get started on right away.
So without further Ado, the first method of treatment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy.
The purpose of cognitive therapy is to identify and influence the irrational thoughts that lead to anxiety attacks through cognitions, assumptions, beliefs and behaviors.
This is a long-term strategy to cope with panic attacks.
It often takes months to identify the irrational thoughts and to replace them with rational ones so that your anxiety attacks will stop.
Patients often complain of money required to carry out these sessions as well as the time it takes out of their day.
Cognitive therapy is often used in tandem with mood-stabilizing medications.
Paper Bag Rebreathing: Doctors and patients alike often espouse the virtues of paper-bag rebreathing as a short-term treatment to anxiety attacks.
This balances the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood stream.
Panic attacks are often the result of breathing too fast or too deeply which increases the amount of oxygen in the blood stream which leads to panic attack symptoms.
Medication: The medication most commonly prescribed for the treatment of panic attacks are the benzodiazepine class of drugs.
These include clonazepam,lorazepam, alprazolam and most commonly diazepam.
Also commonly prescribed are SSRI anti-depressants.
Other Methods & Techniques: A lot of experienced anxiety attack sufferers have employed several different methods & techniques as short-term treatments.
These include diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing which is characterized by very slow breathing through the nose which corrects the carbon dioxide/oxygen imbalance.
Also an effective technique is to acknowledge and accept that you are having a panic attack.
Coping statements or mantra's are also used by many.
Also very effective is the action of talking with a supportive person.
I hope this information has helped the reader with his or her panic attack treatment inquiries.
Remember, every anxiety attack treatment method is not for everyone.
You must choose the option best suited for yourself.
What you should not do, however, is not try any treatment and hope the attacks will just go away.
They will not.