Does Your Favorite Anti Cellulite Lotion Really Work?
You've seen the commercials: a woman sporting the unsightly lumps, bumps and dimpling of cellulite.
The next thing you know she is showing off the young smooth skin of a twenty-something.
How did she do it? Was it magic? Of course not.
According to the commercial it was her new anti-cellulite lotion.
Slather a bit of this potion on your legs and thighs a few times a day and poof! Your cellulite disappears.
If only it were that easy.
If you're like me, then you've fallen for those commercials once or twice -- or even a few more times.
Each time my new "magic lotion" bottle would arrive in the mail, I'd rip open the package hoping that this one would work.
Of course, none of them ever did.
That' when I started to wonder why.
Why did so many of these products fall short of living up to their promises of erasing my cellulite once and for all? To find out I hit the internet, looking for things that would work; than comparing my findings with the products that I'd bought with such high hopes.
What I discovered was that, yes, there are cellulite lotions out there that work; and the reason they work is because they contain ingredients that the body can use to replenish and heal skin cells so that the texture of the surface can be improved.
So, what are some of these must-have ingredients? Here are just a few: Aloe Vera - everyone knows how well aloe vera gel works to heal burns, scrapes and blisters.
But, did you know that this wonderful healing agent can also keep cellulite under control? The juicy gel extracted from the aloe vera leaves works as a natural hydrating anti-inflammatory agent that can repair damaged skin cells and leave your skin looking better than it has in years.
Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids - When formulated properly, Alpha and Beta Hydroxy acids found in some anti-cellulite lotion products can help to increase the thickness of the dermis (this makes it look smoother).
How does it work? It increases skin cell rejuvenation and speeds up the natural exfoliation process which rids the upper layers of the skin of dead or damaged cells, replacing them with healthier new ones.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) -- Due to its solubility, ALA is able to penetrate the cell membrane, working as a master antioxidant repairman from within the deepest layers of the skin.
B Vitamins -- While all of the B vitamins are important to fighting cellulite, Niacin seems to be the super hero here, able to help the dermis retain the moisture necessary to smooth out dimpled skin.
Essential Fatty Acids -- Used in anti-cellulite lotion products, essential fatty acids help to hydrate the skin (and its cells) better than any other ingredient; plus they are known to build up cell strength for a smoother look.
Green Clay -- Containing many of the trace minerals needed to build new healthier (and smoother) skin tissues, green clay has been touted by many as being an excellent cellulite solution and is used as a base ingredient for many popular anti-cellulite lotions.
Grape Seed -- Adding a bit of grape seed extract to your anti-cellulite lotion can help to inhibit the enzymes which break down your skin's collage and elastin -- two important proteins needed to keep skin dimple-free.
Once I figured out what ingredients to look for in my anti-cellulite lotion, it was time to see which products contained them.
Soon my search led me to some researchers at UCLA Medical Center who were investigating yet another important ingredient: Aminophylline.
Known well within the asthma community, this medicine apparently has the ability to burn off cellulite.
Whoa! So I started looking for a product that contained Aminophylline, along with he other healing ingredients I'd already researched.
I found what I was looking for at MyCelluliteStory.
info where I was able to try Cellulean, the anti-cellulite lotion it touted for free for 14-days.
Not a miracle cure to be sure, Cellulean has stood up to the test of time (at least on my legs), by helping my skin heal and restore itself, while smoothing away those lumps and bumps I'd had been having so much trouble getting rid of for such a long time!
The next thing you know she is showing off the young smooth skin of a twenty-something.
How did she do it? Was it magic? Of course not.
According to the commercial it was her new anti-cellulite lotion.
Slather a bit of this potion on your legs and thighs a few times a day and poof! Your cellulite disappears.
If only it were that easy.
If you're like me, then you've fallen for those commercials once or twice -- or even a few more times.
Each time my new "magic lotion" bottle would arrive in the mail, I'd rip open the package hoping that this one would work.
Of course, none of them ever did.
That' when I started to wonder why.
Why did so many of these products fall short of living up to their promises of erasing my cellulite once and for all? To find out I hit the internet, looking for things that would work; than comparing my findings with the products that I'd bought with such high hopes.
What I discovered was that, yes, there are cellulite lotions out there that work; and the reason they work is because they contain ingredients that the body can use to replenish and heal skin cells so that the texture of the surface can be improved.
So, what are some of these must-have ingredients? Here are just a few: Aloe Vera - everyone knows how well aloe vera gel works to heal burns, scrapes and blisters.
But, did you know that this wonderful healing agent can also keep cellulite under control? The juicy gel extracted from the aloe vera leaves works as a natural hydrating anti-inflammatory agent that can repair damaged skin cells and leave your skin looking better than it has in years.
Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids - When formulated properly, Alpha and Beta Hydroxy acids found in some anti-cellulite lotion products can help to increase the thickness of the dermis (this makes it look smoother).
How does it work? It increases skin cell rejuvenation and speeds up the natural exfoliation process which rids the upper layers of the skin of dead or damaged cells, replacing them with healthier new ones.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) -- Due to its solubility, ALA is able to penetrate the cell membrane, working as a master antioxidant repairman from within the deepest layers of the skin.
B Vitamins -- While all of the B vitamins are important to fighting cellulite, Niacin seems to be the super hero here, able to help the dermis retain the moisture necessary to smooth out dimpled skin.
Essential Fatty Acids -- Used in anti-cellulite lotion products, essential fatty acids help to hydrate the skin (and its cells) better than any other ingredient; plus they are known to build up cell strength for a smoother look.
Green Clay -- Containing many of the trace minerals needed to build new healthier (and smoother) skin tissues, green clay has been touted by many as being an excellent cellulite solution and is used as a base ingredient for many popular anti-cellulite lotions.
Grape Seed -- Adding a bit of grape seed extract to your anti-cellulite lotion can help to inhibit the enzymes which break down your skin's collage and elastin -- two important proteins needed to keep skin dimple-free.
Once I figured out what ingredients to look for in my anti-cellulite lotion, it was time to see which products contained them.
Soon my search led me to some researchers at UCLA Medical Center who were investigating yet another important ingredient: Aminophylline.
Known well within the asthma community, this medicine apparently has the ability to burn off cellulite.
Whoa! So I started looking for a product that contained Aminophylline, along with he other healing ingredients I'd already researched.
I found what I was looking for at MyCelluliteStory.
info where I was able to try Cellulean, the anti-cellulite lotion it touted for free for 14-days.
Not a miracle cure to be sure, Cellulean has stood up to the test of time (at least on my legs), by helping my skin heal and restore itself, while smoothing away those lumps and bumps I'd had been having so much trouble getting rid of for such a long time!