Income Limits For Food Stamps In Montana
- Montana first considers whether your household's gross monthly income falls within the federal poverty guidelines when evaluating your eligibility for food stamps. Most families must make between $1,174 and $4,010 per month to qualify, depending on the family size. If the family meets certain criteria, the income limits are slightly higher. Contact your Department of Human Services representative to learn if you qualify under the expanded limits.
- The larger your household, the greater the monthly income you can make and still qualify for food stamps. For this purpose, a household consists of all adults who buy and prepare food together, whether related by blood or not. Husbands, wives and children under age 22 all must apply as part of the same household if they live together.
- Your net monthly income must be less than the federal poverty level to qualify for food stamps. From this, deduct 20 percent of earned income, a percentage of your shelter costs (rent/mortgage and utilities), child or other dependent care expenses, a standard deduction and any child support you pay each month. If your household includes an elderly or disabled person, you may also deduct any monthly medical expenses over $35.
- If your household does not include an elderly or disabled person, you may not have more than $2,000 in property or other resources, excluding your home or vehicle. If your household includes an elderly or disabled person, you may have up to $3,000 in resources. Bank accounts and miscellaneous property count toward this total.
Gross Income Requirement
Household Size
Net Income Limits
Household Resources