Best Way To Get A Six Pack - The Tips James Bond Doesn"t Want You To Know
So, you want to learn about the best way to get a six pack.
To be honest I was exactly in your place a few months ago.
I saw Daniel Craig in James Bond Quantum of Solace and thought WOW.
He had an amazing figure and an awesome six pack.
The women went crazy over him and the men wished they could be in his shoes (I was one of them).
It seems nowadays the quest for getting a six pack is as much a goal for both men and women as it has ever been.
Having six pack abs shows health, power, beauty and confidence.
The thing is although we see the abs as good looking the ultimate reason is that it is a sign of overall good health.
These days it is so common for even young people to develop illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other diet related illnesses.
Therefore when we have a flabby stomach we shouldn't just look at it in terms of it being unattractive but also as a sign to us that we are living an unhealthy lifestyle and need to do something to sort it out quick before it turns into a serious health problem.
The best way to get a six pack is: 1.
Diet The most important part of getting a six pack is your diet.
If you're eating more calories than you're burning than you won't lose weight.
You need to cut out or moderate foods with no nutritional benefit, high sugar content, fizzy drinks and alcohol.
If you can be moderate and control your portions this will help you make massive gains.
Exercises You need to focus on exercises that workout the entire body.
It's a mistaken belief that if you work your abs direct with sit ups and crunches you will build a six pack.
You need to do exercises such as swimming, badminton, light jogging or walking.
These exercises raise you heart rate to just the level required for your body to turn into a fat melting pot.
These 2 steps are the basis of building yourself a beautiful set of six pack abs but more importantly an overall healthy body.
I used to have a beer belly that I couldn't get rid off, but I cracked the fat burning code and managed to find the best way to get a six pack just like Bond, James Bond.
I don't have the space here to provide my personal routine going from beer belly to six pack abs but you can read about it at my website below.
To be honest I was exactly in your place a few months ago.
I saw Daniel Craig in James Bond Quantum of Solace and thought WOW.
He had an amazing figure and an awesome six pack.
The women went crazy over him and the men wished they could be in his shoes (I was one of them).
It seems nowadays the quest for getting a six pack is as much a goal for both men and women as it has ever been.
Having six pack abs shows health, power, beauty and confidence.
The thing is although we see the abs as good looking the ultimate reason is that it is a sign of overall good health.
These days it is so common for even young people to develop illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other diet related illnesses.
Therefore when we have a flabby stomach we shouldn't just look at it in terms of it being unattractive but also as a sign to us that we are living an unhealthy lifestyle and need to do something to sort it out quick before it turns into a serious health problem.
The best way to get a six pack is: 1.
Diet The most important part of getting a six pack is your diet.
If you're eating more calories than you're burning than you won't lose weight.
You need to cut out or moderate foods with no nutritional benefit, high sugar content, fizzy drinks and alcohol.
If you can be moderate and control your portions this will help you make massive gains.
Exercises You need to focus on exercises that workout the entire body.
It's a mistaken belief that if you work your abs direct with sit ups and crunches you will build a six pack.
You need to do exercises such as swimming, badminton, light jogging or walking.
These exercises raise you heart rate to just the level required for your body to turn into a fat melting pot.
These 2 steps are the basis of building yourself a beautiful set of six pack abs but more importantly an overall healthy body.
I used to have a beer belly that I couldn't get rid off, but I cracked the fat burning code and managed to find the best way to get a six pack just like Bond, James Bond.
I don't have the space here to provide my personal routine going from beer belly to six pack abs but you can read about it at my website below.