How to Clean and Whiten Dentures
- 1). Remove Debris
Remove your dentures and scrub them using baking soda and water. This should remove most of the debris and most stains. Rinse the baking soda off of your dentures.
Look below in the Resources section if you need more help with whitening your dentures. - 2). Peroxide
Soak your dentures in 3% household hydrogen peroxide. Use a glass bowl and make sure that there is enough peroxide to completely cover your dentures. Soak your dentures for at least thirty minutes.
Scrubbing your dentures with baking soda and soaking them in hydrogen peroxide will remove most stains and whiten your dentures. You can whiten your dentures at home easily and this procedure can be performed each day if necessary. - 3). Rinse
Rinse your dentures thoroughly after the soak in hydrogen peroxide. Rinse your dentures for at least two minutes.
Your dentures should be bright and white by this step. You can do home teeth whitening on your dentures just as you do on your teeth. This procedure works on partial dentures as well. - 4). Toothpaste
Scrub your dentures with your favorite toothpaste to give them a fresh clean taste.
Knowing how to clean and whiten dentures will keep your smile looking great.
If your dentures have stains that were not removed with your baking soda and hydrogen peroxide procedure, please see the step below for difficult stain removal. - 5). Extra Tough Stains
Complete the steps above except for the brushing with toothpaste step. Instead soak your dentures for at least one half hour or overnight in a mixture of household bleach and water mixed half and half. Make sure you use a glass bowl for the mixture. You should not need to soak your dentures in bleach very often. Once per month should be sufficient to keep your dentures white and bright.
Remove them from the mixture and rinse in running water for at least three minutes. Brush thoroughly with your favorite toothpaste.
To avoid stains on your teeth or dentures, do not smoke or drink products that stain such as coffee and tea.
If you want more information on how to clean and whiten dentures, please look below in the Resources section.