Stem Cell Transplant - health and medication related news
Definition of the stem cell transplant
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells able to transform into highly specialized cells that can form any type of tissue and organ in the body, are important in their ability to develop into any cell type.
Cord blood stem cells can treat various forms of malignant blood diseases. Mentioning leukemia treatment alone with the patient's own cells.
Stem cell transplantation consists of an infusion of healthy stem cells into the patient's body, being necessary if the bone marrow is unworkable or if the number of healthy stem cells is insufiecient products. Stem cell transplant may help the body produce a sufficient number of healthy white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells reduces the risk of becoming infected patient had anemia or bleeding.
In terms of stem cell source for replacement procedure, cells that make up trasplant blood cells called stem cell transplant or bone marrow or cord blood transplant. If stem cell transplant uses the body's own cells can speak of an autologous stem cell trasplant and if it uses stem cells from a donor, it is an allogeneic stem cell trasplant.
Stem cell transplantation is used to treat patients whose stem cells were affected by a disease, can benefit from this trasplant cancer patients and noncancer diseases.
The transplant of the stem cells can be used for bone marrow replacement dysfunctional body.
Bone marrow produces insufficient numbers of blood cells in November. Such stem cells destroys the dysfunctional marrow, stem cells are introduced into the body healthy. In good running condition new stem cells migrate to the marrow and begin to function normally.
The transplant of the stem cells can be used to destroy the diseased bone marrow may contain cancer cells.
In terms of leukemia stem cells may help remove cancer cells from bone marrow. When a transplant of healthy cells, normal cell production can be resumed. Immune factors in transplanted cells may help in destroying cancer cells that may remain in the bone marrow.
Risks stem cell transplantation
Stem cell transplant shows the risks of complications can be quite fatal. Some patients with minor problems transplant, but some are forced to perform multiple tests and even hospitalization.
Among the complications that may arise in regard mention stem cell transplantation: graft versus host disease, tumors, transplant failure, damage to organs or blood vessels, cataracts, secondary cancers or even death.
The patient has a right to know the risks for complications of stem cell transplant, the doctor has the obligation of submitting them. They are a balance of risks and benefits and decide if the transplant can be performed.
The greatest risk in stem cell transplant is the rejection of the transplant, the disease called graft - versus - host. This presents a serious risk when transplanted cells from one donor.
If the patient opts for allogeneic transplant (using cells from a donor), it is exposed to the disease occurrence graft - versus - host. This disease occurs when transplanted cells attack the recipient's body. The disease can be mild or severe and may occur at short intervals after transplantation or longer time (months).
Known as the "Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD), the disease can lead to skin rashes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The time may lead to other complications and chronic diseases. The physician has a duty to monitor the patient closely to detect signs and symptoms of this disease .
Researchers try to find solution of this disease by using powerful drugs to suppress the immune system role, but the side effects of this measure can be very serious, for which this idea was dropped.
Another risk is that embryonic stem cell transplant may lead to the formation of tumors or tumors called teratoma - monster. It starts from the fact that once stem cells are injected into the body can no longer control cell division and differentiation.
Preparation of stem cell transplantation
When a stem cell donor is available, the patient will bear Investigations and procedures in order to set the stage. It also needed assurance that the patient has physical discomforts in transplanted.
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Stem cells are undifferentiated cells able to transform into highly specialized cells that can form any type of tissue and organ in the body, are important in their ability to develop into any cell type.
Cord blood stem cells can treat various forms of malignant blood diseases. Mentioning leukemia treatment alone with the patient's own cells.
Stem cell transplantation consists of an infusion of healthy stem cells into the patient's body, being necessary if the bone marrow is unworkable or if the number of healthy stem cells is insufiecient products. Stem cell transplant may help the body produce a sufficient number of healthy white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells reduces the risk of becoming infected patient had anemia or bleeding.
In terms of stem cell source for replacement procedure, cells that make up trasplant blood cells called stem cell transplant or bone marrow or cord blood transplant. If stem cell transplant uses the body's own cells can speak of an autologous stem cell trasplant and if it uses stem cells from a donor, it is an allogeneic stem cell trasplant.
Stem cell transplantation is used to treat patients whose stem cells were affected by a disease, can benefit from this trasplant cancer patients and noncancer diseases.
The transplant of the stem cells can be used for bone marrow replacement dysfunctional body.
Bone marrow produces insufficient numbers of blood cells in November. Such stem cells destroys the dysfunctional marrow, stem cells are introduced into the body healthy. In good running condition new stem cells migrate to the marrow and begin to function normally.
The transplant of the stem cells can be used to destroy the diseased bone marrow may contain cancer cells.
In terms of leukemia stem cells may help remove cancer cells from bone marrow. When a transplant of healthy cells, normal cell production can be resumed. Immune factors in transplanted cells may help in destroying cancer cells that may remain in the bone marrow.
Risks stem cell transplantation
Stem cell transplant shows the risks of complications can be quite fatal. Some patients with minor problems transplant, but some are forced to perform multiple tests and even hospitalization.
Among the complications that may arise in regard mention stem cell transplantation: graft versus host disease, tumors, transplant failure, damage to organs or blood vessels, cataracts, secondary cancers or even death.
The patient has a right to know the risks for complications of stem cell transplant, the doctor has the obligation of submitting them. They are a balance of risks and benefits and decide if the transplant can be performed.
The greatest risk in stem cell transplant is the rejection of the transplant, the disease called graft - versus - host. This presents a serious risk when transplanted cells from one donor.
If the patient opts for allogeneic transplant (using cells from a donor), it is exposed to the disease occurrence graft - versus - host. This disease occurs when transplanted cells attack the recipient's body. The disease can be mild or severe and may occur at short intervals after transplantation or longer time (months).
Known as the "Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD), the disease can lead to skin rashes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The time may lead to other complications and chronic diseases. The physician has a duty to monitor the patient closely to detect signs and symptoms of this disease .
Researchers try to find solution of this disease by using powerful drugs to suppress the immune system role, but the side effects of this measure can be very serious, for which this idea was dropped.
Another risk is that embryonic stem cell transplant may lead to the formation of tumors or tumors called teratoma - monster. It starts from the fact that once stem cells are injected into the body can no longer control cell division and differentiation.
Preparation of stem cell transplantation
When a stem cell donor is available, the patient will bear Investigations and procedures in order to set the stage. It also needed assurance that the patient has physical discomforts in transplanted.
You can find more health related news and articles here on our web site community.