Mr. Kennedy vs. Val Venis
One of the featured matches on the undercard of this event saw Mr. Ken Anderson battle Sean Morley. WWE fans will look at this picture and immediately recognize these men as Ken Kennedy and Val Venis. This is Mr. Kennedy's first big match since his shocking release from the WWE a few months ago. Mr. Kennedy, pictured on the mat, would go on to win this match after escaping this attempt at the Money Shot.
According to, the results of the undercard were as follows:
According to, the results of the undercard were as follows:
- Nick Dinsmore (Eugene) & Pimp Fatha (The Godfather) beat Rock of Love
- Spartan3000 Matt Cross beat Shannon Moore
- The Nasty Boys beat Black Pearl and Vampire Warrior (Gangrel)
- Brutus Beefcake beat Heidenreich
- Lacey Von Erich won a bikini contest
- Mr. Anderson (Ken Kennedy) beat Sean Morley (Val Venis)
- Brian Lawler and Solofa Fatu (Rikishi) beat Orlando Jordan and Edward Fatu (Umaga)