How to Check Other People's Credit
- 1). Obtain written permission from the person whose credit you would like to check. It is illegal to check someone else's credit without permission.
- 2). Gather the necessary information. You will need his social security number, full name, date of birth, and address. You may also need his previous address for verification.
- 3). Contact the credit reporting agency that you want to use. The credit bureaus operate independently of one another, so each report will be slightly different. You can contact them by calling 1-888-202-4025 for Equifax, 1-888-414-1120 for Experian or 1-866-922-2100 for TransUnion.
- 4). Identify yourself to the representative and tell her that you would like to purchase a credit report for someone else. Tell her that you have written permission. She will guide you through the process of obtaining a credit report.
- 5). Notify the person for whom you obtained a credit report of your decision. You are legally required to let him know if you are denying him credit based on information found in his credit report.
How to check other people's credit.