How to Start a Good Conversation with a Girl
If you're reading this article, then you undoubtedly need help when it comes to picking up women. After all, if you don't know how to start a good conversation with one, it's probably much harder to be able to successfully do a pick up!
The first thing you need to know about how to start a good conversation with a woman is that it should never be a pick up line. Especially if you lack experience. While some guys can deliver pick up lines and be really suave about it, in the hands of an inexperienced person, pick up lines come off as cheesy and no matter how original, they will feel a little overused.
Second, understand that the first few words you say will dictate how the conversation goes. It's almost always about those opening words. They have to be non-threatening but intriguing at the same time. You want to capture her attention and get her to see that talking to you is something that is probably worth her time. Try commenting on something she's already discussing. Saying that you couldn't help but overhearing something and offering your help on the matter is one good way to start talking without seeming threatening. Especially if you back off after helping. This will let them know that you weren't talking just to pick them up, but you really just wanted to comment.
After you've gotten past this first hurdle, you will easily be able to start a conversation with her later in the evening. That's because the first few words have already been exchanged. One great way to start talking again is to ask her a question, preferably one that requires her opinion. You gave her your opinion earlier when you were €helping out,€ so you asking her what she thinks on a certain topic won't come off as weird. Plus, showing her that you want to know her opinion will make her feel good and valued. It's far better than any pick up line.
Once she gives you her opinion, you can then start debating or discussing what she's said. Just like that, you successfully started a conversation. As you talk, move the conversation into topics that fit her or topics that she wants to discuss. You will quickly learn what these topics are as you talk with her. Don't forget to always look her in the eye and pay attention! Now that you have learned how to start a conversation, you have to listen to what she has to say!
For more conversation starting tips, check out Black Belt Seduction. You'll find tons of great techniques that you can use while talking to women. Many of them assure successful pick ups!
The first thing you need to know about how to start a good conversation with a woman is that it should never be a pick up line. Especially if you lack experience. While some guys can deliver pick up lines and be really suave about it, in the hands of an inexperienced person, pick up lines come off as cheesy and no matter how original, they will feel a little overused.
Second, understand that the first few words you say will dictate how the conversation goes. It's almost always about those opening words. They have to be non-threatening but intriguing at the same time. You want to capture her attention and get her to see that talking to you is something that is probably worth her time. Try commenting on something she's already discussing. Saying that you couldn't help but overhearing something and offering your help on the matter is one good way to start talking without seeming threatening. Especially if you back off after helping. This will let them know that you weren't talking just to pick them up, but you really just wanted to comment.
After you've gotten past this first hurdle, you will easily be able to start a conversation with her later in the evening. That's because the first few words have already been exchanged. One great way to start talking again is to ask her a question, preferably one that requires her opinion. You gave her your opinion earlier when you were €helping out,€ so you asking her what she thinks on a certain topic won't come off as weird. Plus, showing her that you want to know her opinion will make her feel good and valued. It's far better than any pick up line.
Once she gives you her opinion, you can then start debating or discussing what she's said. Just like that, you successfully started a conversation. As you talk, move the conversation into topics that fit her or topics that she wants to discuss. You will quickly learn what these topics are as you talk with her. Don't forget to always look her in the eye and pay attention! Now that you have learned how to start a conversation, you have to listen to what she has to say!
For more conversation starting tips, check out Black Belt Seduction. You'll find tons of great techniques that you can use while talking to women. Many of them assure successful pick ups!