What Are the Advantages of Using APA Formatting for Academic Papers?
- APA general document format specifies double-spacing, a 12-point Times New Roman font, flush left text alignment, pagination on the first line, 1 inch from the right edge of the paper, and a running head. The running head is a short title that is set flush left on the top of the pages of the paper. The standard formatting and running head requirement promote ease of reading due to a standard size and type of font and adequate margins. The running head and page number requirement eliminates unnecessary page-flipping because the document title and page number are identified on each page of the body of the paper.
- The headings in APA style follow a specific format and help orient the reader to the level of importance; topics of equal importance have the same heading. Headings ease accessibility of information and can be skimmed quickly to provide the reader with a general outline of the content. APA style consists of five heading types, with the first level the highest level of importance and the fifth the most subordinate level.
- APA style is known for its easy-to-understand reference citation formats, making use of in-text citation supplemented by a reference section that provides a complete listing of bibliographic information. APA in-text citation format lists the author and the date of publication in parenthesis. The reference section may only list material that has been cited in the body of the paper, simplifying the reference process for the author while eliminating unnecessary references for the reader.
- APA formatting for tables and figures enhances understanding of the text by establishing guidelines for organization and clarity of tables and figures. Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numbers. When using APA formatting, you should refer to all tables and figures in the text with an explanation of the table or figure. Data that requires two or fewer columns is often better represented in text. Data should be arranged logically; data for comparison should be presented next to one another.
Standard Format Enhances Readability
Enhanced Organization Through Headings
Ease of Reference Citation
Simplifies Presentation of Tables and Figures