Friday, September 18, 2009
Java Café
Nicole tells E.J. she wants to go away with him and Sydney and never come back. He refers to it as a lovely dream. She encourages him to make it happen tonight, but insists that his father and son are in Salem, and he can’t just abandon them. She suggests that “Grandpa Stefano” could fly Johnny over and they could stay for weeks at a time. He refers to it as romantic, but states that Salem is their home.
He soon suggests going on that honeymoon.
Nicole enthuses about going to Paris. E.J. takes a phone call as Nicole shares the exciting news with Sydney. E.J. comes back inside after spending most of the time on the phone with the DiMera travel coordinator. He declares that everything’s done for their trip. Nicole thanks him and believes they’ll have the best time in the whole world.
Sami and Sister Claire
At the convent, Sami believes there are no miracles left for her. “With God, all things are possible,” smiles Sister Claire, who stresses that there are many angels among them and suggests that Sami’s life could be about to change this very minute. Sami wishes she had Sister Claire’s optimism. Sister Claire encourages her to go to the chapel to meditate.
Rafe and the Baby Switch
In the park, Rafe has just figured out the whole baby switch. He now knows that Nicole switched Grace with Sydney so she could have E.J.’s baby. He believes there’s no way he can do or say anything unless he can prove it.
He decides to call someone to ask for a huge favor and agrees to meet his recipient at the Brady Pub.
Rafe meets with a former associate at the pub and says he needs to find out who a child’s parents are. The man states that DNA samples are the only real way. He suggests that if Rafe finds a hairbrush, the follicles will be useable, or saliva from a glass or envelope could work. Meanwhile, someone spies on Rafe outside the pub.
The man hands Rafe a name and number and tells him that once he has the DNA samples to call the guy. They shake hands and Rafe thanks him. Rafe looks at a picture of Sami and Grace, then flashes back to his recent phone conversation with Sami, when she wished Rafe would’ve been there when her baby was born. Rafe phones Sami, and Sister Claire answers it and says Sami’s in seclusion. He asks her to tell Sami that he called, stressing how important it is.
Back at the Convent
Sami returns from the chapel and Sister Claire relays the message from Rafe. A conflicted Sami isn’t sure whether or not to call Rafe back.
After the nun leaves the room, Sami drops her purse and pulls out a picture of herself and Rafe. She later lies on her bed, wondering what she’s doing hiding in a convent. She looks at a picture of Rafe on her phone and knows he was keeping things from her in regards to Emily, but also knows he was there for her when she needed him the most. She suggests that maybe Sister Claire is right, in that an angel is walking beside her.
Rafe and Meredith
Back at the pub, someone continues to spy on Rafe, who soon leaves. Rafe arrives outside Sami’s place and finds the key above the door, then comes inside. Someone follows him inside as he retrieves a plastic bag and puts the hairbrush inside it. He decides to take Grace's pink bib he gave to her and have it tested as well, then comes face to face with Meredith, wondering what she’s doing there. “I came here to apologize,” responds Meredith. “Apologize for what?” he wonders. Meredith claims she’s sorry for what she did to break up him and Sami in writing the letter, admitting that she told Sami he was responsible for Emily’s death. Rafe insists that it’s okay and he and Sami had issues anyway. A deranged Meredith refers to herself as a terrible person. Rafe suggests they just try and forget about what happened and move on with their lives. “No Rafe. I can’t do that,” she says very eerily.
Rafe tries to blow Meredith off, but she refuses to leave until she gets closure. She rehashes how he killed Emily, and they need to deal with it. Rafe counters that he didn’t kill Emily and reiterates that they can talk about it later. His phone rings, and he sees that it’s Sami. She tells him not to answer it now, but he doesn’t listen. Crazed Meredith grabs a fireplace poker and knocks him over the head. He falls to the ground as Sami urges him to pick up the phone.
University Hospital
Chloe has just asked Lucas if he knows where Daniel is. A bitter Lucas wonders why she would want Daniel around her, believing he’s just going to try and kill her again. Chloe insists that Daniel would never do anything to hurt her. “He loves me, and I love him. Nothing can change that,” she professes.
Chloe tells Lucas she never meant to hurt him, recalling how the affair happened before they got married. She admits that she made a promise to God after he fell off the wagon. Lucas refers to her “divine intervention” story as a crock, which he’s already heard from Daniel. She recounts the night Lucas started drinking again after finding out about her affair with Daniel. After the explosion at Daniel's apartment, she found Lucas dead in the hallway with no pulse. Lucas continues with his wisecracks before she insists that she made a promise to God and agreed to give up Daniel if Lucas survived. She swears that she’s never been unfaithful, but Lucas isn’t believing it.
Chloe laments hurting Lucas, who refers to her as totally delusional about her lover boy. Lucas continues to insist that Daniel wanted her dead and tried to poison her, which the cops can prove. Chloe cries that it wasn’t Daniel. Lucas demands to know who she thinks it was. Chloe flashes back to Kate offering her an apple from the fruit basket, then remembering when Kate dumped the deviled eggs down the sink at Maggie’s house. “It was your mother,” she realizes. Lucas yells at Chloe not to lie to him, believing his mom would never do such a thing.
Nicole tells E.J. she wants to go away with him and Sydney and never come back. He refers to it as a lovely dream. She encourages him to make it happen tonight, but insists that his father and son are in Salem, and he can’t just abandon them. She suggests that “Grandpa Stefano” could fly Johnny over and they could stay for weeks at a time. He refers to it as romantic, but states that Salem is their home.
He soon suggests going on that honeymoon.
Nicole enthuses about going to Paris. E.J. takes a phone call as Nicole shares the exciting news with Sydney. E.J. comes back inside after spending most of the time on the phone with the DiMera travel coordinator. He declares that everything’s done for their trip. Nicole thanks him and believes they’ll have the best time in the whole world.
Sami and Sister Claire
At the convent, Sami believes there are no miracles left for her. “With God, all things are possible,” smiles Sister Claire, who stresses that there are many angels among them and suggests that Sami’s life could be about to change this very minute. Sami wishes she had Sister Claire’s optimism. Sister Claire encourages her to go to the chapel to meditate.
Rafe and the Baby Switch
In the park, Rafe has just figured out the whole baby switch. He now knows that Nicole switched Grace with Sydney so she could have E.J.’s baby. He believes there’s no way he can do or say anything unless he can prove it.
He decides to call someone to ask for a huge favor and agrees to meet his recipient at the Brady Pub.
Rafe meets with a former associate at the pub and says he needs to find out who a child’s parents are. The man states that DNA samples are the only real way. He suggests that if Rafe finds a hairbrush, the follicles will be useable, or saliva from a glass or envelope could work. Meanwhile, someone spies on Rafe outside the pub.
The man hands Rafe a name and number and tells him that once he has the DNA samples to call the guy. They shake hands and Rafe thanks him. Rafe looks at a picture of Sami and Grace, then flashes back to his recent phone conversation with Sami, when she wished Rafe would’ve been there when her baby was born. Rafe phones Sami, and Sister Claire answers it and says Sami’s in seclusion. He asks her to tell Sami that he called, stressing how important it is.
Back at the Convent
Sami returns from the chapel and Sister Claire relays the message from Rafe. A conflicted Sami isn’t sure whether or not to call Rafe back.
After the nun leaves the room, Sami drops her purse and pulls out a picture of herself and Rafe. She later lies on her bed, wondering what she’s doing hiding in a convent. She looks at a picture of Rafe on her phone and knows he was keeping things from her in regards to Emily, but also knows he was there for her when she needed him the most. She suggests that maybe Sister Claire is right, in that an angel is walking beside her.
Rafe and Meredith
Back at the pub, someone continues to spy on Rafe, who soon leaves. Rafe arrives outside Sami’s place and finds the key above the door, then comes inside. Someone follows him inside as he retrieves a plastic bag and puts the hairbrush inside it. He decides to take Grace's pink bib he gave to her and have it tested as well, then comes face to face with Meredith, wondering what she’s doing there. “I came here to apologize,” responds Meredith. “Apologize for what?” he wonders. Meredith claims she’s sorry for what she did to break up him and Sami in writing the letter, admitting that she told Sami he was responsible for Emily’s death. Rafe insists that it’s okay and he and Sami had issues anyway. A deranged Meredith refers to herself as a terrible person. Rafe suggests they just try and forget about what happened and move on with their lives. “No Rafe. I can’t do that,” she says very eerily.
Rafe tries to blow Meredith off, but she refuses to leave until she gets closure. She rehashes how he killed Emily, and they need to deal with it. Rafe counters that he didn’t kill Emily and reiterates that they can talk about it later. His phone rings, and he sees that it’s Sami. She tells him not to answer it now, but he doesn’t listen. Crazed Meredith grabs a fireplace poker and knocks him over the head. He falls to the ground as Sami urges him to pick up the phone.
University Hospital
Chloe has just asked Lucas if he knows where Daniel is. A bitter Lucas wonders why she would want Daniel around her, believing he’s just going to try and kill her again. Chloe insists that Daniel would never do anything to hurt her. “He loves me, and I love him. Nothing can change that,” she professes.
Chloe tells Lucas she never meant to hurt him, recalling how the affair happened before they got married. She admits that she made a promise to God after he fell off the wagon. Lucas refers to her “divine intervention” story as a crock, which he’s already heard from Daniel. She recounts the night Lucas started drinking again after finding out about her affair with Daniel. After the explosion at Daniel's apartment, she found Lucas dead in the hallway with no pulse. Lucas continues with his wisecracks before she insists that she made a promise to God and agreed to give up Daniel if Lucas survived. She swears that she’s never been unfaithful, but Lucas isn’t believing it.
Chloe laments hurting Lucas, who refers to her as totally delusional about her lover boy. Lucas continues to insist that Daniel wanted her dead and tried to poison her, which the cops can prove. Chloe cries that it wasn’t Daniel. Lucas demands to know who she thinks it was. Chloe flashes back to Kate offering her an apple from the fruit basket, then remembering when Kate dumped the deviled eggs down the sink at Maggie’s house. “It was your mother,” she realizes. Lucas yells at Chloe not to lie to him, believing his mom would never do such a thing.