Government Debt Help - One Way to Solve Your Debt Problems
Government debt help is available to mainly businesses and corporations but the government does offer debt consolidation loans if you want to go that route.
But it is a loan which means you will have to pay it back.
Federal government debt help recommends consumer credit counseling services which helps you to consolidate your bills and make a monthly plan to pay your bills off in a timely manner.
They will help you by calling your creditors on your behalf to negotiate a reasonable repayment plan.
The counseling part is for your benefit, but they help you to see where and what needs to be changed in your behavior, such as spending, in order to get your finances in order and keep them that way.
Beware of some consumer credit counseling services, recommends the government debt help page on a governments website.
Just because a consumer credit counseling service says they are "nonprofit" doesn't mean their services are offered for free, or they are affordable or even legitimate.
You must check the references even if they say they are a "non-for profit" organization.
You can also check with the Better Business Bureau in your area for any claims against the consumer credit counseling services.
Another thing you must beware of its government grants.
If you've seen any of the commercials on television or looked at any of the ads in newspapers and magazines, you will see that there are many advertisements for government grants.
They promise you government grants that you can spend on anything you want.
To pay down your debt order by something frivolous like a yacht or to go on a year-long vacation all over Europe.
But these government grants are just scams, no one is going to hand you money to pay off your credit card debt.
If you are doing something for endangered wildlife, there may be a grant for that, but there are no government grants for individuals who just want money for themselves.
If you are unable to come up with a workable budget and stick to a monthly than the consumer credit counseling services recommended by the government debt help website is for you.
Many universities, military bases, housing authorities and US Cooperative Extension Services operate non-for profit credit counseling services to the government debt help centers.
Government debt help will help you if you own a small business and have gotten into too much bad debt.
Or if you're a large corporation and need help with bad debt the government will step up and help you out with either grants or loans, mostly loans, to help you maintain your business or corporation.
There are many places to obtain bad credit debt help including lawyers, debt consolidation loans, debt negotiations and consumer credit counselors.
No one is able to erase or eliminate your debt completely but it can be negotiated down to a more manageable monthly payments.