I Want to Get Pregnant - Is That Your Wish?
Pregnancy and the resultant motherhood bring about a sense of fulfillment in most women.
However, those who are unable to bear a child in their womb suffer a great deal of mental suffering and agony as well.
In the days of yore, people viewed such childless women as victims of hard luck, from whom even God has turned away His head.
Fortunately, times have progressed and new medical advancements have been ushered in.
Now, medical help can be easily sought, to good effect, by ladies who have complications in conceiving a kid.
A correct balance of the desire and the willingness to become a mother needs to be present in a woman for becoming pregnant.
Simply mouthing, 'I want to get pregnant' is not at all helping in itself.
For becoming pregnant in the practical world in a healthy way, certain pre-specified steps need to be adhered to.
These steps, or guidelines, often have shown desirable results.
Both the husband and the wife have to pay heed to these guiding steps, since the wife, on her own, cannot conceive a baby.
The male reproductive system is far less complex in its working mechanism than that of the females.
With higher degrees of complicity of functioning, chances of a serious disease and/or deformation affecting the female reproductive system is also higher.
Hence, it makes sense to have a gynecologist for a thorough check up of the female body parts.
Such physical tests are aimed at ensure the absence of any cyst (or, any mass) in the pelvis of the female.
The doctor should also check for any probable cysts in the ovary, fibroids in the uterus, Endometriosis, and any other inflammation-causing malady, particularly in the pelvic region of women.
Whether a lady is a carrier of any STD needs also be ascertained.
After obtaining the results of these check-ups, the ideal date of lovemaking needs to be determined.
Generally, sexual union should be held during the ovulation period of the females, for greater chances of becoming pregnant.
Hence, she should know the time when she would ovulate.
In order to do so, she has the following methods at her disposal: oThe 14th day in the 28-day menstrual cycle is generally marked as the day on which a lady ovulates.
Women can also find out when her next period is expected.
The date of ovulation should lie in the range of 12 to 16 days before the lady has her period, oThe Basal Body Temperature Technique (BBT method) can also be used to determine the date of female ovulation.
Here, a uniquely structured BBT thermometer is used, every morning, to measure the temperature of the vagina.
In comparison to the other days, the BBT thermometer would record a higher vaginal temperature on the day of ovulation, oThe Luteal Phase, which measures the span of days between ovulation and the commencement of the female menstrual cycle (fixed at 14 days for most women), is also useful in this context.
After ovulation is over, females generally have their periods in 14 days (i.
, when the Luteal Phase finishes), oThe viscosity of the female cervical mucus needs to physically checked on a regular basis.
Ovulation is linked with a significant thinning of the cervical mucus, oFor an accurate prediction of the date when they are likely to ovulate, women can use the Ovulation Calculator as well.
The calculator takes in details regarding the female menstrual cycle, and gives up the likely date of ovulation, and oAfter determining the date on which a woman would ovulate, she and her male partner should ideally have a sexual union, one or two days prior to the day of the female ovulation.
The life of women who wish to get pregnant needs to be free of stress.
This is mainly because, researches indicate that extreme stress disturbs the female menstrual cycle, consequently making the pattern of ovulation irregular as well.
Also, excessive cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, drugs and other analgesics (obtainable over-the-counter) tend to hamper fertility of females.
Hence, these products should be completely done away with.
The markets also have a whole range of products, like creams, suppositories and lubricating gels.
These chemicals tend to destroy the male sperms.
Hence, their usage is not advisable at all.
In fact, the answer to the query, 'I want to get pregnant' is rather simple.
Holistic approaches to treatment provide perfect solutions to all pregnancy-relate issues.
This method is hugely successful because it tries to find the problem-inducing factors within the body, and suggests remedies accordingly.
In order to eliminate the problems, Chinese medicines, herbs, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is recommended in this method.
Acupuncture is also performed, as and when required.
Thus, holistic methods are the best in treating pregnancy-related problems.