The Best Ways to Make a Girl Remember You
- Holding a girl's hand on a date is a means of making her feel comfortable with you. It is likely to make her feel safe and comfortable in your presence. Hold her hand while you are walking or sitting in a restaurant, movie or wherever else you decide to go. If she feels warm in your presence, she will likely remember you and look forward to spending more time with you.
- Listen to what she has to say and remember it. A girl will like it if she knows you are paying attention when she is talking to you. If she mentions her favorite song, favorite movie or favorite actor, remember it; it may be beneficial later. For instance, if you hear her favorite song, tell her it made you think about her. This way the girl will know you are thinking about her even when you are not together.
- A surprise does not have to be anything huge or expensive; it is the little things that your girl will likely remember. Show up at her house just to say hello or send her flowers just because. You can also show her you care by making her favorite meal or taking her to her favorite restaurants. It is the little things that girls will remember.
- Chivalry does not have to be dead. Unlock her car door first or hold a door for her on your way into a restaurant or store. This will more than likely bring a smile to her face and her parents and friends are likely to be very thrilled when she mentions this to them.
- Find a photo booth at a mall, movie theater or amusement park. Take some pictures acting silly and making goofy faces. Tell her to pick two pictures and you take the other two home with you. This will give her something physical to remember you by, and the goofy faces in the pictures will remind her that the two of you had fun together.
Hold Her Hand
Listen to What She Says
Surprise Her
Take Pictures