Enjoy An Adventurous Alaska Vacation Rentals
The rough rivers of Alaskas mountain side beckon raft riders and kayakers from all over the world. The placid yet full bodied rivers sweep past bears and caribou grazing in the open arctic tundra. The Denali National Park provides visitors with white water thrills on the Nenana River. A kayak or raft trip should be part of any travelers itinerary list to Alaska. Many of the adventures in
Alaska is available along the highway system. Every footstep along the way offers touring and sightseeing opportunities in such a diverse variety that there will be no dearth for choices. From glacier tours to cultural experiences and from gold mines to wilderness adventures, you will find so much to savor and experience. Out of town activities include sightseeing cruises and fishing trips. The railroad can take you through some of the most spectacular scenery known to man. Trips to outlying communities will introduce you to local activities such as Eskimo blanket toss and bird watching.
Alaska is a winter wonderland and winter is when all the fun begins here. Whether you wish to experience the beauty of endless white scenery or indulge in endless events and activities, Alaska has it all from arctic wildlife to wildly fantastic times. Enjoy all levels of skiing, go on a horse drawn sleigh ride or go ice skating, snowboarding, ice fishing and enjoy winter festivals and carnivals.
Day cruises in the ocean are available in many parts of Alaska with some of the most popular destinations at Kenai Fjords, Glacier Bay and Prince William Sound. The ocean day cruises offer a peek into the coastal Alaska with s its tidewater glaciers, majestic mountain scenery and exotic wildlife. Seals, whales, sea lions sea otters, mountain goats black and brown bears, puffins and murres are some of the commonly sees creatures during the months of summer. Tour guides on board are present to guide the passengers through the breathtaking sights and sounds. Booking an Alaska multi day cruise will offer you all the excitement, escape, adventure, discovery, value,
luxury and much more. The best way to get a close up appreciation of the adventure and beauty of Alaska is to go on a bicycle tour. Its a thrifty way to explore Alaska for budget conscious travelers.
Alaska has a lot of Specialty shops selling some unique items such as things made from animal bones or skin, Alaskan delicacies such as smoked salmon and native sea oil candles. Alaskan sea food is world renowned for its abundance and quality and you will come across it predominantly on most menus from Ketchikan to Barrow. A wide range of ethnic delicacies can be found in many small eateries and communities. The Alaskan salmon bake is one of the delicacies unique to Alaska.
So come experience the stunning beauty of the Alaskan coastline, the salmon speckled rivers, spectacular fjords, the majestic mountains and the interesting cultural blend of Alaskas thriving communities.