Funded Proposals For Successful Network Marketing
If you are really serious about becoming a super successful master network marketer then you must choose a network marketing company which operates a funded proposal plan. No exceptions!
This means that your chosen company will offer a reasonably low priced but nevertheless good quality product on the front end. Your prospects will willingly give their contact details in order to receive the product and to receive further information about the back end product. Even if they do not buy the back end product, you have a sale anyway.
Make no mistake that the money made from the sale of the front end product should be funnelled straight back into more advertising and marketing of your company's products and opportunity.
The real value in the funded proposal method of marketing your chosen company's products and opportunity is that your prospects have willingly given you their contact details. When they receive information from you about the back end product and the opportunity to earn residual income for themselves, they already trust you because of the value they received from their purchase of the front end product.
Therefore they are much more likely to take your offer seriously and to investigate it thoroughly before making a decision. They will be in a relaxed frame of mind, and they will recognise your name. What a massive advantage that is? And the only way that that can be achieved is through the application of the funded proposal.
We have already covered the front end product in a funded proposal. It must be a reasonably low cost but valuable product. Now let's look at the back end product.
Ideally the back end product should be something very unique, very "needed", of a high price but worth every cent of the price tag. So that rules out health products; fancy diets; cosmetics and skin care; fitness products and so on. There's nothing wrong with those products, but you will need to put in ten times the effort at least in order to make very little money. Why? Because these companies are a dime a dozen, and they're all falling all over each other trying to grab their market share.
With a higher priced and unique back end product you will have prospects who will see immense value in the product and a good percentage of them will buy the product, and join the company as a network marketer. Why will they do this? Because they will use the product, realise it's great value, and want to share it's benefits with others, just as you did. And the percentage of commission for you will be of a much higher dollar value. Yay!
Let's take this a step further. What if there were "step up" or "follow on" products as part of the back end of the funded proposal? That would mean more sales to your existing customers - or network. This is where the big money is - residual and ongoing income. And now, you're forming your own network - you'll earn percentage commissions off all sales made by your network.
To recap. Join a network marketing company which operates a funded proposal plan. Make sure that their front end product is reasonably low priced yet good value for money. Make sure that their back end product is of a high price, unique, and excellent value for money. Check to see if the company offers "step up" or "follow on" back end products.
If the network marketing company you are researching can tick all those boxes, then you're very likely to have a good chance at becoming a successful network marketer.
This means that your chosen company will offer a reasonably low priced but nevertheless good quality product on the front end. Your prospects will willingly give their contact details in order to receive the product and to receive further information about the back end product. Even if they do not buy the back end product, you have a sale anyway.
Make no mistake that the money made from the sale of the front end product should be funnelled straight back into more advertising and marketing of your company's products and opportunity.
The real value in the funded proposal method of marketing your chosen company's products and opportunity is that your prospects have willingly given you their contact details. When they receive information from you about the back end product and the opportunity to earn residual income for themselves, they already trust you because of the value they received from their purchase of the front end product.
Therefore they are much more likely to take your offer seriously and to investigate it thoroughly before making a decision. They will be in a relaxed frame of mind, and they will recognise your name. What a massive advantage that is? And the only way that that can be achieved is through the application of the funded proposal.
We have already covered the front end product in a funded proposal. It must be a reasonably low cost but valuable product. Now let's look at the back end product.
Ideally the back end product should be something very unique, very "needed", of a high price but worth every cent of the price tag. So that rules out health products; fancy diets; cosmetics and skin care; fitness products and so on. There's nothing wrong with those products, but you will need to put in ten times the effort at least in order to make very little money. Why? Because these companies are a dime a dozen, and they're all falling all over each other trying to grab their market share.
With a higher priced and unique back end product you will have prospects who will see immense value in the product and a good percentage of them will buy the product, and join the company as a network marketer. Why will they do this? Because they will use the product, realise it's great value, and want to share it's benefits with others, just as you did. And the percentage of commission for you will be of a much higher dollar value. Yay!
Let's take this a step further. What if there were "step up" or "follow on" products as part of the back end of the funded proposal? That would mean more sales to your existing customers - or network. This is where the big money is - residual and ongoing income. And now, you're forming your own network - you'll earn percentage commissions off all sales made by your network.
To recap. Join a network marketing company which operates a funded proposal plan. Make sure that their front end product is reasonably low priced yet good value for money. Make sure that their back end product is of a high price, unique, and excellent value for money. Check to see if the company offers "step up" or "follow on" back end products.
If the network marketing company you are researching can tick all those boxes, then you're very likely to have a good chance at becoming a successful network marketer.