Beginner Guitar Lessons -the Decision Is Simple
At first glance, it would appear as if the answer to this question is yes, and sure, in some respects it is, but to be frank with you, I would have to say that the biggest determining factor in how great a guitarist you're going to be, is your passion.
It matters less how you start, and more that you do start, and the only thing that'll make you start, and keep at it, is your passion.
I have a favorite saying, when people ask me if I think they'll be able to learn how to play guitar.
"If you can tap your foot to the beat and hum a tune, you can learn to play the guitar".
1.) The social guitarist.
2.) The fanatic.
The social guitarist is the guy or gal who learns some chords, learns to strum a few of his favorite tunes, and then decides he's quite happy with that. This I like to call the common or garden variety. A happy bunch they are, and a blessing to any picnic spot, provided they can sing.
The fanatic is the serious guy or gal who, unlike their picnic counterparts, hasn't bothered to learn any sing-a-longs and has probably learnt to play lengthy solo's on the guitar before mastering all the chords, mostly because they're easy enough, and can be looked up and played later if need be.
The answer is quite simple. Firstly, decide if you're a social guitarist or a fanatic. Obviously, you can't take an electric guitar to a picnic.
Secondly, if you're a fanatic, decide what kind of music you would like to play. Classical, blues, rock, jazz etc. Classical music would require a classical guitar and a very specific kind of tutoring, but blues, rock and jazz would, in the beginning stages, require lessons geared more towards the electric guitar.
In any event, the beginner guitar lessons of any genre or level of enthusiasm (Classical lessons are an exception here) cover very similar ground in theory and practice.
I have looked at a lot of download guitar lesson and found one that I like. I believe that Jam-o-rama is one of the best for teaching all the that you need to play the guitar like a professional band member, they teach you the notes ,chords, songs and rhythm with a downloadable E-book, video and audio lessons. There are tutorials from the creators so when you need a question answered it's all ready been answered for you.
It matters less how you start, and more that you do start, and the only thing that'll make you start, and keep at it, is your passion.
I have a favorite saying, when people ask me if I think they'll be able to learn how to play guitar.
"If you can tap your foot to the beat and hum a tune, you can learn to play the guitar".
1.) The social guitarist.
2.) The fanatic.
The social guitarist is the guy or gal who learns some chords, learns to strum a few of his favorite tunes, and then decides he's quite happy with that. This I like to call the common or garden variety. A happy bunch they are, and a blessing to any picnic spot, provided they can sing.
The fanatic is the serious guy or gal who, unlike their picnic counterparts, hasn't bothered to learn any sing-a-longs and has probably learnt to play lengthy solo's on the guitar before mastering all the chords, mostly because they're easy enough, and can be looked up and played later if need be.
The answer is quite simple. Firstly, decide if you're a social guitarist or a fanatic. Obviously, you can't take an electric guitar to a picnic.
Secondly, if you're a fanatic, decide what kind of music you would like to play. Classical, blues, rock, jazz etc. Classical music would require a classical guitar and a very specific kind of tutoring, but blues, rock and jazz would, in the beginning stages, require lessons geared more towards the electric guitar.
In any event, the beginner guitar lessons of any genre or level of enthusiasm (Classical lessons are an exception here) cover very similar ground in theory and practice.
I have looked at a lot of download guitar lesson and found one that I like. I believe that Jam-o-rama is one of the best for teaching all the that you need to play the guitar like a professional band member, they teach you the notes ,chords, songs and rhythm with a downloadable E-book, video and audio lessons. There are tutorials from the creators so when you need a question answered it's all ready been answered for you.