Better Than Drugs
Since everyone else is talking about the blackout today, I had to be different.
A news report that I heard this morning stated that Doctors at Washington University have release scientifically documented cases where laughter is very good medicine indeed.
I've known this for years! While the serious-minded folks around me are working on permanent creases in their foreheads and raising their blood pressure, I approach life in a little less orthodox manner.
One of my Facebook friends recently commented about posting LOL.
"Do people really laugh out loud?" I do.
Often in fact.
I laugh at odd times, at unconventional things, and sometimes very awkward situations.
I laugh when I'm nervous, and when I'm not.
I laugh at funny movies.
Unfortunately there aren't that many that are actually funny.
My life is like a Carol Burnett rerun, and sometimes like the Three Stooges.
These doctors have scientific proof that laughter reduces cholesterol levels, blood pressure and decreases your blood sugar levels.
Really? I have low blood pressure, low cholesterol and no diabetes despite being overweight.
I've told people for years to lighten up, but do they listen? Of course not.
Sometimes the idiocy that is our lives can become overwhelming.
You can laugh or you can cry.
I prefer laughing.
Looking for the funny side is a choice.
It's not easy at times, but when things become just so insanely overwhelming what am I going to do about it? Debbie Downer is no fun and I don't want to be her.
I don't want to get into a lot of psycho-babble about our temperaments and predetermined biological DNA as to why people are the way they are.
Although I think the shock of actually experiencing a good belly laugh might send some to the emergency room, or at least to the doctor's office for medications, laughter is a good thing that grownups have forgotten how to do.
What makes you laugh? For me it's a variety of different things.
I laugh at my own mistakes, and my own ignorance.
I laugh at funny videos.
I laugh at good jokes and even some corny stupid jokes.
I laugh at Monty Python and even the Stooges.
Slapstick is funny stuff! My point is, don't take yourself or life too seriously.
None of us get out of here alive so why not kick back and enjoy the ride sometimes? Surely there is something that you can find humor in.
If not, maybe see the doctor for some meds that make things seem funny.
I hear that stuff the dentist uses can be pretty good.
Mine uses needles, and I avoid him as much as possible.
When you can laugh so loud you snort, you've almost gotten there.
When you almost pee your pants you are well on your way on the laugh track.
When you spray the person across the table with your soda, you make others laugh.
It's a good thing I don't embarrass easily.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: LAUGH OUT LOUD!
A news report that I heard this morning stated that Doctors at Washington University have release scientifically documented cases where laughter is very good medicine indeed.
I've known this for years! While the serious-minded folks around me are working on permanent creases in their foreheads and raising their blood pressure, I approach life in a little less orthodox manner.
One of my Facebook friends recently commented about posting LOL.
"Do people really laugh out loud?" I do.
Often in fact.
I laugh at odd times, at unconventional things, and sometimes very awkward situations.
I laugh when I'm nervous, and when I'm not.
I laugh at funny movies.
Unfortunately there aren't that many that are actually funny.
My life is like a Carol Burnett rerun, and sometimes like the Three Stooges.
These doctors have scientific proof that laughter reduces cholesterol levels, blood pressure and decreases your blood sugar levels.
Really? I have low blood pressure, low cholesterol and no diabetes despite being overweight.
I've told people for years to lighten up, but do they listen? Of course not.
Sometimes the idiocy that is our lives can become overwhelming.
You can laugh or you can cry.
I prefer laughing.
Looking for the funny side is a choice.
It's not easy at times, but when things become just so insanely overwhelming what am I going to do about it? Debbie Downer is no fun and I don't want to be her.
I don't want to get into a lot of psycho-babble about our temperaments and predetermined biological DNA as to why people are the way they are.
Although I think the shock of actually experiencing a good belly laugh might send some to the emergency room, or at least to the doctor's office for medications, laughter is a good thing that grownups have forgotten how to do.
What makes you laugh? For me it's a variety of different things.
I laugh at my own mistakes, and my own ignorance.
I laugh at funny videos.
I laugh at good jokes and even some corny stupid jokes.
I laugh at Monty Python and even the Stooges.
Slapstick is funny stuff! My point is, don't take yourself or life too seriously.
None of us get out of here alive so why not kick back and enjoy the ride sometimes? Surely there is something that you can find humor in.
If not, maybe see the doctor for some meds that make things seem funny.
I hear that stuff the dentist uses can be pretty good.
Mine uses needles, and I avoid him as much as possible.
When you can laugh so loud you snort, you've almost gotten there.
When you almost pee your pants you are well on your way on the laugh track.
When you spray the person across the table with your soda, you make others laugh.
It's a good thing I don't embarrass easily.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: LAUGH OUT LOUD!