Paranormal News and Views for October 6, 2012
Up-to-the-minute reports of paranormal activity and news from around the world
Do you believe in ghosts?
A video taken on the third floor of the historic Milestone Inn Restaurant in Naugatuck seems to reveal some kind of "paranormal activity." A team of "ghost hunters" - for lack of a better term - from the Valley-based CT Old School Paranormal tries to call out the ghost that many people had claimed to have seen over the years...
Touring the Paranormal
It's a familiar mantra, repeated over and over in countless racing minds after hearing something go bump in the night: "There are no such things as ghosts." But this is not a declaration you'll hear at the Conrad Mansion. Most of the ghost stories involve some sort of interaction with the deceased members of the Conrad family, who the staff believe enjoyed living in the mansion so much that they have decided to spend some of their afterlife there, too...
'Amityville' house back on market, blood not included
Able to scare up a few bucks? Just in time for Halloween, the owners of the home made famous in the spooky 1970s film "The Amityville Horror" are dramatically slashing the asking price on their Toms River, New Jersey, colonial, which was used for exteriors in the film...
Vanishing hitchhikers
The unknown hitchhiker flags down a car and gets into the backseat. As they drive away and travel a short distance, the stranger may say a few words...after which, the phantom suddenly disappears.
It's the one encounter that really sends a chill down my spine...
Jane Goodall 'fascinated' by Bigfoot
Jane Goodall made her name studying chimpanzees in Africa and by discovering that they, like humans, use tools. Since then, she has been working to preserve their decreasing numbers via the Jane Goodall Insititute. She also admitted to an interest in the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or the Yeti...