What Do Spiders See on a Website?
Even when the best SEO company is hired and the best optimization techniques are used, a website may still fail to be elevated in the rankings. This is sometimes because focus has been placed on what is seen by human eyes and failed to view the website through the spiders' eyes.
Spider Vision
Although spiders do not technically have eyes, they do read websites very differently from the way human eyes perceive text. Typically, all that is seen are what was intended and programmed for them to see and are blind to extras such as javascript and flash that are only incorporated into a website to attract human eyes.
The main function of these tiny crawlers is to move slowly through the internet, indexing and storing into database information found on web pages. This information is then used to play a significant role in search engine results. Although the algorithms used in determining and calculating a rank widely vary, it is important for any SEO company to understand how this works and feed these crawlers required information.
Flash and Javascript
Although javascript, image text, and flash attract people, it should be used sparingly since the crawlers dislike such applications. This is even truer with the use of frames, which have a great effect on pulling down rank. A homepage should never be designed with flash applications, whether with or without frames, and keywords buried in them as the crawlers will almost view it as a blank page. If such usage is unavoidable, try to work around the images which can be done by including a meaningful description in "IMG" tag attributes. Just be sure to limit keywords to avoid stuffing. ALT text can also be used for flash movie descriptions; however, be careful to avoid overusage.
Another thing to avoid is using javascript-based menus that are just ignored by spiders as page text. If usage is necessary, try to put all menu item links with a "nonscript" tag. Again, avoid using this too much so to avoid being viewed as SEO manipulation. Limit the count per page for hyperlinks to one hundred items as checking to see if each one is properly working is too time consuming. Errors such as €404 Page Not Found€ will prevent indexing by the spiders.
Keywords play a huge role in good SEO; the tiny search engine robots are greatly attracted to them and know exactly where to find them. For instance, spiders usually notice keywords more easily in the first paragraph rather than in the middle or at the end. It is also helpful to use specific tools such as a search engine spider simulator to see through the spider's eyes as to where keywords should be situated to be effective.
Finding a reputable SEO service will greatly help any company's optimization needs. Experts in this field know how to look at websites through spiders' eyes and not human eyes. It is indeed possible to make a website visible and attractive to all the internet crawlers!
Spider Vision
Although spiders do not technically have eyes, they do read websites very differently from the way human eyes perceive text. Typically, all that is seen are what was intended and programmed for them to see and are blind to extras such as javascript and flash that are only incorporated into a website to attract human eyes.
The main function of these tiny crawlers is to move slowly through the internet, indexing and storing into database information found on web pages. This information is then used to play a significant role in search engine results. Although the algorithms used in determining and calculating a rank widely vary, it is important for any SEO company to understand how this works and feed these crawlers required information.
Flash and Javascript
Although javascript, image text, and flash attract people, it should be used sparingly since the crawlers dislike such applications. This is even truer with the use of frames, which have a great effect on pulling down rank. A homepage should never be designed with flash applications, whether with or without frames, and keywords buried in them as the crawlers will almost view it as a blank page. If such usage is unavoidable, try to work around the images which can be done by including a meaningful description in "IMG" tag attributes. Just be sure to limit keywords to avoid stuffing. ALT text can also be used for flash movie descriptions; however, be careful to avoid overusage.
Another thing to avoid is using javascript-based menus that are just ignored by spiders as page text. If usage is necessary, try to put all menu item links with a "nonscript" tag. Again, avoid using this too much so to avoid being viewed as SEO manipulation. Limit the count per page for hyperlinks to one hundred items as checking to see if each one is properly working is too time consuming. Errors such as €404 Page Not Found€ will prevent indexing by the spiders.
Keywords play a huge role in good SEO; the tiny search engine robots are greatly attracted to them and know exactly where to find them. For instance, spiders usually notice keywords more easily in the first paragraph rather than in the middle or at the end. It is also helpful to use specific tools such as a search engine spider simulator to see through the spider's eyes as to where keywords should be situated to be effective.
Finding a reputable SEO service will greatly help any company's optimization needs. Experts in this field know how to look at websites through spiders' eyes and not human eyes. It is indeed possible to make a website visible and attractive to all the internet crawlers!