Diabetes Supplies Should Always Include a Blood Glucose Monitor
Blood glucose monitoring is highly recommended for anyone suffering with diabetes.
Managing diabetes with simple diabetes supplies such as blood glucose monitors is the most important task a diabetic can perform for themselves.
This is a simple yet accurate way to test the concentration of glucose in the blood.
Glucose is a form of sugar derived from carbohydrate foods.
Insulin is a hormone that helps your body's cell use the glucose to covert foods that are considered carbohydrates into energy.
People who have abnormal glucose tests are seen by a doctor to determine if they have diabetes.
If glucose readings are too low, this could be signs of hypoglycemia or abnormally low levels of sugar in the blood.
Symptoms include lethargy, confusion, and shakiness.
High sugar levels clearly indicate the insulin is not able to process the sugar and it accumulates in the blood providing a high reading.
The two types of diabetes, type 1 children and young adults, need insulin, body does not produce it so cannot covert sugar and starches into energy.
Type 2 body does not produce enough insulin but may be controlled with diet.
Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.
and the leading cause of heart disease and strokes.
Leading cause of blindness and kidney disease.
For this reason alone, an individual with diabetes needs to monitor their disease with blood glucose testing at home.
A blood glucose test is performed by piercing the skin and applying some blood to a test-strip which in turn will measure the amount of glucoses in the blood.
This is done by using a small electronic device called a blood glucose monitor.
A drop of blood is placed onto the strip and in several seconds, the digital display will show the blood glucose level.
Professionals advise patients with diabetes to monitor their condition using this preferred method.
Testing can be done anywhere or anytime and by the individual themselves and is easy to do.
By monitoring the blood glucose levels, diabetics can learn to keep their diabetes under control with careful planning of their meals, activities and medications.
Your doctor will let you know how often to check your blood sugar.
Which depends on your specific treatment since every one is different.
People who need to take insulin will have to check their blood sugar more often.
Some people will have to collect and record levels to note changes in glucose levels, due to time of day, diet, or other factors that affect them.
Recordings must include dates and details along with any pertinent information such as illnesses, and stress.
This allows doctors to make the right adjustments or provide a better course of treatments.
It is important to know when the blood sugar is high or low to prevent emergencies due to diabetes, to keep control of the diabetes and to correctly take care of yourself.
Managing diabetes with simple diabetes supplies such as blood glucose monitors is the most important task a diabetic can perform for themselves.
This is a simple yet accurate way to test the concentration of glucose in the blood.
Glucose is a form of sugar derived from carbohydrate foods.
Insulin is a hormone that helps your body's cell use the glucose to covert foods that are considered carbohydrates into energy.
People who have abnormal glucose tests are seen by a doctor to determine if they have diabetes.
If glucose readings are too low, this could be signs of hypoglycemia or abnormally low levels of sugar in the blood.
Symptoms include lethargy, confusion, and shakiness.
High sugar levels clearly indicate the insulin is not able to process the sugar and it accumulates in the blood providing a high reading.
The two types of diabetes, type 1 children and young adults, need insulin, body does not produce it so cannot covert sugar and starches into energy.
Type 2 body does not produce enough insulin but may be controlled with diet.
Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.
and the leading cause of heart disease and strokes.
Leading cause of blindness and kidney disease.
For this reason alone, an individual with diabetes needs to monitor their disease with blood glucose testing at home.
A blood glucose test is performed by piercing the skin and applying some blood to a test-strip which in turn will measure the amount of glucoses in the blood.
This is done by using a small electronic device called a blood glucose monitor.
A drop of blood is placed onto the strip and in several seconds, the digital display will show the blood glucose level.
Professionals advise patients with diabetes to monitor their condition using this preferred method.
Testing can be done anywhere or anytime and by the individual themselves and is easy to do.
By monitoring the blood glucose levels, diabetics can learn to keep their diabetes under control with careful planning of their meals, activities and medications.
Your doctor will let you know how often to check your blood sugar.
Which depends on your specific treatment since every one is different.
People who need to take insulin will have to check their blood sugar more often.
Some people will have to collect and record levels to note changes in glucose levels, due to time of day, diet, or other factors that affect them.
Recordings must include dates and details along with any pertinent information such as illnesses, and stress.
This allows doctors to make the right adjustments or provide a better course of treatments.
It is important to know when the blood sugar is high or low to prevent emergencies due to diabetes, to keep control of the diabetes and to correctly take care of yourself.