Sushi in the Nude
Sushi is good for your body -- and on your body. At least that's what some artists in Tampa are saying.
Tampa's 10th annual Nude Nite features dozens of body-painting artists who use models as flesh canvases -- and they're aiming for more than just a titillating show.
Attendees will be sure to read every word of California artist Darren Saravis’ Body Text Project, a photography installation using human canvas to educate attendees on political treaties such as the Nuremberg Code, climate change, and nuclear weapons.
Tampa's 10th annual Nude Nite features dozens of body-painting artists who use models as flesh canvases -- and they're aiming for more than just a titillating show.
Attendees will be sure to read every word of California artist Darren Saravis’ Body Text Project, a photography installation using human canvas to educate attendees on political treaties such as the Nuremberg Code, climate change, and nuclear weapons.