Learn How To Sing In Tune
If you're a person that loves singing but you are aware that when you sing you are out of tune, this is a problem. It is embarrassing to sing in front of many people and suddenly you go out of tune. There are people who think that they sound good when they sing with an accompaniment, but when the music is turned off, their voice sound weak and off key. So how do you know when you sound in tune?
The truth of the matter is that a lot of people really don't know that they sound off key because they never heard their own voice without accompaniment. When they sing in the car, what they probably hear is the music and not their voice, so they think that they sounded good.
There are ways to train your voice so that you will learn to sing in tune and have confidence and strength. The first thing is to start singing without music and other accompaniment. This way you will be able to concentrate of the sound of your own voice and not the accompaniment and possibly you will be able to hit the right notes. Try singing the National Anthem or the Happy Birthday song.
Always remember that your voice is a muscle therefore it should be exercised. Another way to train your voice is by finding a learn to sing software that will definitely help you. Some learn to sing software allow you to sing with music and then slowly fade the music. It allows your voice to build its strength over time.
Below are steps on how to learn to sing in tune:
?You can use a piano and play a key on it, but make sure that it is not very high or very low for your voice. You can start with the Middle C at first. If it is still too high or too low try an octave lower or higher.
?Try to listen to your note as well as the piano's note also. You should have a pleasant and smooth sound if you are in tune as you sing with the piano. You are not in tune if your voice has grinding quality. You should sing the note a lower or higher until you can blend your voice with the piano and you are singing the same note in tune.
?Practice C major scale with the keyboard back and forth: CDEFGABC and back. Try singing along with each of the notes and make sure that every note is in tune. Try to listen very carefully.
?It is a good exercise if you sing in tune with individual random notes on the piano.
?Play also with chords, for example a major triad like C major: CEG. Sing the notes in the chord, C then E and then G. But make sure that they sound in tune. Try singing a note in the chord, while you are playing with the other notes in the chord also. Like for example play E and G but try singing the C with yourself.
The truth of the matter is that a lot of people really don't know that they sound off key because they never heard their own voice without accompaniment. When they sing in the car, what they probably hear is the music and not their voice, so they think that they sounded good.
There are ways to train your voice so that you will learn to sing in tune and have confidence and strength. The first thing is to start singing without music and other accompaniment. This way you will be able to concentrate of the sound of your own voice and not the accompaniment and possibly you will be able to hit the right notes. Try singing the National Anthem or the Happy Birthday song.
Always remember that your voice is a muscle therefore it should be exercised. Another way to train your voice is by finding a learn to sing software that will definitely help you. Some learn to sing software allow you to sing with music and then slowly fade the music. It allows your voice to build its strength over time.
Below are steps on how to learn to sing in tune:
?You can use a piano and play a key on it, but make sure that it is not very high or very low for your voice. You can start with the Middle C at first. If it is still too high or too low try an octave lower or higher.
?Try to listen to your note as well as the piano's note also. You should have a pleasant and smooth sound if you are in tune as you sing with the piano. You are not in tune if your voice has grinding quality. You should sing the note a lower or higher until you can blend your voice with the piano and you are singing the same note in tune.
?Practice C major scale with the keyboard back and forth: CDEFGABC and back. Try singing along with each of the notes and make sure that every note is in tune. Try to listen very carefully.
?It is a good exercise if you sing in tune with individual random notes on the piano.
?Play also with chords, for example a major triad like C major: CEG. Sing the notes in the chord, C then E and then G. But make sure that they sound in tune. Try singing a note in the chord, while you are playing with the other notes in the chord also. Like for example play E and G but try singing the C with yourself.