Ana-Lucia Cortez Flashbacks

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Officer Cortez

Episode 2x8, Collision - Flashback Scene 1
We are looking down the barrel of a gun. The gun fires several times, perforating a shooting target in the head and neck. Ana-Lucia lowers the gun and removes her protective goggles.
Later she is in the office of her psychiatrist, Matthew Reed. He asks how she's doing and she says the family with the screaming baby moved, but now it's too quiet.

He asks if she and Danny are trying to work things out and she says he left and she's better off alone.

Her fingers drum on the arm of the chair. He asks how it felt to hold a gun again and she says very good. Then she says, "Did she say, you know, when I can come back to work?"

"She left the final determination up to me," Matthew says. He asks if she thinks she's ready, and she asks what he thinks. He hands her a badge.

Later, Ana-Lucia is at the LAPD. Someone says, "Welcome back to the force, Officer Cortez."


Episode 2x8, Collision - Flashback Scene 2
Ana-Lucia knocks on the captain's door and she tells her to come in. The captain gives Ana-Lucia her assignment and Ana-Lucia says, "Evidence? You're putting me behind a desk?"
The captain asks if there is a problem and Ana-Lucia says she wants to be in a car. The captain says, "You were in an officer-involved shooting. No."

In Spanish, Ana-Lucia says, "You're doing this because you're my captain? Or because you're my mother?"

"Both," the captain says.

Ana-Lucia begs to be put in the car, but the captain says that if she puts her in a car, everyone will know she pulled strings. If Ana-Lucia doesn't want to be treated like a daughter, she shouldn't ask for favors.

"Transfer me."

The captain says, "You don't get the transfer, but I'll give you the car. Happy?"

Officer Raggs comes in and says there is an important call for Ana-Lucia in the bullpen.

When he leaves, the captain says, "They got you a cake. Act surprised."

Domestic Disturbance

Episode 2x8, Collision - Flashback Scene 3
Ana-Lucia and her partner, Big Mike, are in the police car, on patrol. Big Mike asks if the shrink gave her any good drugs, but she says he was not that kind of shrink. He asks if Ana-Lucia missed him and she says, "Boy, did I!"
"I heard about you and Danny," he says. "Want me to go kick his ass for you?"

"Nah," she says. "It's better this way." She wants to know what they are doing in Westwood and he says a change of scenery, a nice safe neighborhood for your first day back. "This was her idea, wasn't it?"

"She is the captain," Big Mike says.

A call comes over the radio for a domestic disturbance. It's not their call, but Ana-Lucia takes the radio and says that they are only three blocks away. "This is 8 Adam 16," Ana-Lucia says into the radio, "we got it."

They come upon the scene of a woman holding a baby fighting with a man holding a TV.

The woman yells, "Where are you going? What are you doing? Drop the TV, Travis. The TV is mine."

"I bought it with my money," he says. "Do something useful, Shawna, shut your trap."

Shawna tells Ana-Lucia and Big Mike, "Arrest him, he's stealing my TV."

Big Mike tries to calm them down, while Ana-Lucia stares at the baby. Suddenly Ana-Lucia pulls her gun and points it at Travis, "Put your hands where I can see them! Get down on the ground!"

Big Mike is telling Ana-Lucia to stop. She tells Shawna to get her baby upstairs and continues to yell at Travis. Big Mike says, "Ana-Lucia, he's down. Holster your weapon, now!"

Not Him

Episode 2x8, Collision - Flashback Scene 4
Ana-Lucia and Big Mike are in the LAPD parking lot. He says he'll sign them out and she says, "What? You talking to me now?"
He says he just wants to go home and she says, "I ordered that guy to stop twice."

"So does that mean every time we run into some yo-yo with a TV in his hands, you're going to draw down?"

Inside, they tell Ana-Lucia that they got her guy.

Ana-Lucia looks through the double-sided mirror into the interrogation room. The captain says, "His name is Jason McCormick. We picked him up on an assault on an elderly woman in Echo Park. His fingerprints matched a partial from your crime scene. We questioned him and he confessed. The D.A. is ready to file charges. All he needs is for you to I.D. him."

"It's not him," Ana-Lucia says.

The captain excuses everyone from the room and says to Ana-Lucia, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's not him," she says.

"He put four bullets into you, hollow points through your vest. He tried to kill you."

"It's not him," Ana-Lucia says again.

Hey, Jason

Episode 2x8, Collision - Flashback Scene 5
Ana-Lucia is having a drink in a bar, watching Jason McCormick saying goodbye to his friends and leaving. In the parking lot she says, "Hey, Jason."
"Do I know you?" he asks.

She pulls a gun and says, "I was pregnant." She shoots him three times and he drops. She walks over and shoots him three more times.
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